Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Madhumati I really liked it but I can't say I'm bowled over. Vvjayantimala was very good and I do like Pran but the lead, Dilip Kumar is not my type of actor. All in all it is a good film but not one I'd be wanting to watch again soon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Revolutionary Road, Miracle Cure- End, Middlemarch

Revolutionary Road I would have liked this one better if I had not seen so many films. I admired the cinematography and the increadible acting though. Leo and Kate were both AMAZING.

Miracle Cure finally ended and I'm not sad. It was a lacklustre sorry ass of a book.

I have started Middlemarch and I'm pleasantly suprised with the beginning. So far so good.

Monday, February 27, 2012

City Hunter - End, Invictus, Black Swan and various US Shows

City Hunter ended up on a higher note than it began and I was really curious in the end. They managed an ending that will probably satisfy everyone. There was very little skinship in this drama and it was a bummer of sorts.

I have finally managed to watch Invictus completely and once again I loved it. Eastwood films almost always bring tears to my eyes. The man is a master of melodrama and one of my favorite directors.

Second viewing of the Black Swan was as compelling as the first one and I liked it very much this time too. Well Natalie Portman is a fave of mine after all. I wonder whether I'd share the same feelings if the film starred Katherine Heigl. Probably not.

Which brings me to the fake out "what if" episode of Grey's Anatomy which I didn't like. Despite having an Alex/Meredith kiss scene (they are the people I'd love to see ending up together) it just ended up stalling the momentum the series gained this season.

Also The Good Wife was, uhmmm predictable this episode. There wasn't any wow factor that I was used to in almost every other episode. Plus I was thinking why I like Josh Charles. No reason really but I feel sympathetic towards him ever since watching 3Some for the first time.

Revenge on the other hand got down and dirty with this episode. Amanda is alone now but I hope not for long.

Friday, February 24, 2012

City Hunter Eps.13-16

Well well, I still am not emotionally invested in City Hunter but they sure managed to wring tears out of me in the mother & son meeting scene. It was touching.

Also I like it that we get some amount of makjang with the President being the real father of our City Hunter and I guess this means Jin Pyo's revenge is an ultimate revenge - kind of Korean drama version of Old Boy. Ugh. I just hope that things will not come to it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

City Hunter Eps 10-12

Well, I like where the story is going but still am not emotionally invested in this. It is entertaining though and I'm having a good time (I have found myself singing a song from the soundtrack - Hello Hello You Shiny Boy!!!!!!)

Miracle Cure is also not very good. But I keep on reading it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

City Hunter Eps 7-9

I still don't really care for City Hunter that much but it is getting more interesting with each episode. No emotional involvement on my part though.

Monday, February 20, 2012

City Hunter Eps. 5 - 6

Well I still am not very keen on City Hunter. I don't know what it is but somehow I can't seem to get into it. Is it because the female lead who is really dirt poor (she lost her parents house and her current salary to execution lien) is using an Iphone - the same one all the rich characters are using- and wears short shorts bordering on hotpants with designer bags. Usually suspending disbelief comes very easy to me but here I just can't get past these details and feel nothing for the female lead. (Especially after Robbers where his poverty is obvious and they have found a good reason for dressing him up in designer clothes) It doesn't take much to deal with situations like this and it is possible to make you female lead look poor but nice without making her seem slutty (Secret Garden did this very well). The worst thing is that the female lead looks and acts really nice (especially crying) despite the bad nose job.

Lee Min Ho is handsome no doubt but he just doesn't work for me in this. His action scenes are sloppy and seem to be filmed and edited to make him look more of an action star than he really is.

And the lady who plays his mother is the evil step mom in Brilliant Legacy and her performance there as an evil baddie was so good that I can't seem to conjure any sympathy for her in this one (yet)

The good news is that my new dvd player is working very well - there was a strange shakiness but I have mistakenly pushed a button in the remote and it went away, thank God. Now I don't have to wait 40 minutes just to watch things in colour.

Also I have done major cleaning last night. Thank God since dustbunnies started to invade everywhere. I need to change everthing in this room and soon!

Country Strong, True Grit (remake)

Country Strong There is not much new here, a famous singer gets out of rehab too soon in order to make a comeback. There is an idealist song writer and a young singer that is just starting up. Also the husband who is also the famous singer's manager. Now I don't know why but this film touched me so much so that I was crying fat tears by the end of it. The performances were nothing special and I never liked Gwyneth Paltrow (who stars as the famous singer) but for some reason I liked it very very much. Maybe because I like American country music (but the songs were not that special either, come to think of it). Anyway I may even have to get the dvd for that one.

True Grit (the remake) It was good. A lot better than I expected. I liked the cinematography and the script. The actors were fine too.

I have started much loved Korean drama City Hunter and after 4 episodes in I'm struggling with it. I cannot pinpoint the reason but I keep falling asleep while watching it. Maybe this will change and I'll keep going. I purchased it after all.

My dvd player takes about 40 minutes to show colours. So I bought a new one. But it is such a hassle to actually put there (and I'm kind of scared that it may not work)

Luckily another purchase of mine, a leather jacket, turned out really fine. A perfect fit too (suprising no?) Thank God.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Robot Well it is not a bad film but it made me yawn (and I eventually fell asleep at the last 15 minutes). Nothing we have not seen before. And then there is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. She is so beautiful, so amazingly beautiful that it makes one's heart swell with happiness when I look at her. She is like a wonderful view.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Miracle Cure

Oh and I have started to read Miracle Cure by Harlin Coben. There is a strange foreword to the reader, sort of apologising that this book is only his second and not one he likes very much. Seriously. That one was a downer, I wish I haven't read it.

Historian - End, Rann

I have finished The Historian last night and it was a good ending. Still I think I liked The Swan Thieves better.

Rann This is a boring film.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping

Last night I have started sleeping from 18:30 in the evening, until 7:15 in the morning. I have only got up to say my night prayers and my morning prayers. They should be about 30 minutes in total together. Well I must have really needed it since I feel great today. Also I have not eaten anything since I was sleeping. Well this is wonderful in and of itself but I also managed to go without drinking! Now I'm a happy bunny of sorts and hope to keep this performance up tonight as well. At least I shouldn't eat anything. I probably will drink tea / coffee and/or some herbal drink. Nettle maybe.

Oh I'm well aware that this post is kind of irrelevant and not good at all but what can I do? I need to write something at the moment and it makes sense to put thoughts in here rather than pretend. Most likely I'll end up deleting this one since it doesn't include any information on what I have watched or read but at least it shows that I have managed not to read and/or watch anything yesterday. Well I have read some of Historian but I guess that doesn't count.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Robbers - End, Sex & The City Season 6

I have finished Robbers on Friday and I was in tears and generally so happy with it. Jang Hyuk I love you.

Also on weekend I have watched Season 6 of Sex and The City and it was a good finale season to the series. Again I liked it just as much as I did the first time I watched it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Robbers - Until the End of Episode 12

I can't help but got hooked by Robbers. I'm aware of its failings but totally caught up with the tragedies of our hero Kwon Oh Jun. He has just found happiness and mend his evil ways and now he is diagnosed with a tumour that is even worse because of the beatings he has received since 10 years.
And the noble idiot decided to lie to Dal Le and tell her that he is tired of her and is going to leave her. I simply hope she will not believe him and be there in his last days. On the other hand poor thing has already lost a husband. Now the man she loves is dying too? Yes everyone will die but they had too short a time. It is better than nothing I guess. I wish the writers will somehow manage a happy ending but I don't think it will happen.

Jang Hyuk, great looking actor who is also so talented and looks so good crying. I just love how his upper lip curls into non existance when he laughs and how non plastic he looks. The new generation of actors all seem to have gone under plastic surgery.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Robbers Eps I, II, III, IV

Well here I was thinking that I'd watch Robot starring Rajnikant and Aishwarya but in the end I decided to go for the handsome and give City Hunter a try. But then again the female lead is the same one in Sungkyunkhwan Scandal and I really didn't like her nose job so I decided to give Robbers a try since I don't hate Lee Dae Hee and actually LOVE Jang Hyuk.

Four episodes in, this is a sad sad drama. Not a very good one but Jang Hyuk's performance really elevates it. Not only he looks great (he plays a hustler/gigolo) but also he acts great.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jootha Hi Sahi

Jootha Hi Sahi Ok I liked it but I don't think this is a very good film. It had a Notting Hill feel to it (in a good way, more like homage rather than stealing) and I love Notting Hill. In the end I enjoyed it but am not going crazy over it. Here is a pro/con list:


* John Abraham in all his fake nerdy glory. Just his dimples are enough to make my blood race. The performance was decent.

* The group of friends - I liked these people.

* Music - the songs were soft and nice.

* The appearance of the female lead - she looked like a real person.


* It is just not that a believable story. Even for someone who is very easy when it comes to rom coms (seriously I usually like anything other than Katherine Heigl films - even then I saw all of them)

* John looks too dashing and lovely for the character - a person who is building that body to be so insecure? not buying it.

* The female lead's acting was not very good.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunglyunkhwan Scandal - End, The Town

I have finished Sungkyunkhwan Scandal on Friday at about 05:00 a:m. But it was so cute and angsty at the same time! It certainly warranted a marathon. Again this time I rooted for the secondary lead Jae Shin rather than our nerdy main lead Sun Joon. But the female lead (whose nose job was very distracting) chose her OTP as the nerd. Anyway I throughly enjoyed these series.

I also watched The Town directed and acted by Ben Affleck. I really like this guy despite the fact that he is not that much of an actor and he seems to be a better director. Although in the end I couldn't understand how our hero didn't carry a money bag but ended up burying it in the garden anyway (?) Well that is my only problem with the film but as we say in Turkey "the fly is small but it still gives one nausea)

Also today I have got three more Korean dramas thank God. I just can't get enough of them.

But I do plan on watching an Indian film tonight, to give myself a break in fear of overdosing and becoming bored of K-Dramas.

Meanwhile I'm still reading The Historian and still liking it very much. It is such a filling book. The prose is like a yummy steak (now I really have to go on a diet!)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sungkyunhwan Scandal, I Come With The Rain, Sex and the City Season 5

First I have finally had the time to watch I Come With The Rain. And it was not really good. The benefit of the film to me was to once again see and understand how talent changes things in acting. The film's cast consist of good actors but Lee Byung Hun exceeded everyone by a very high margin. Anyway I'm glad that I got this one for free (in exchange for all the dramas I got in a little shop in Honolulu - no matter how many times I type this, I still am happy that it happened, I was in Hawaii and it was like a beautiful and realistic dream, one I live again and again)

Then I decided to give a few episodes of Sex and The City Season 5 a go (I got this one in the bargain bin, since it was like half a season it is cheap but now I have actually purchased season 4 AND season 6 which were not cheap at all so in the end this little thing turned out to be expensive after all) I just love Sex and The City TV show - the films, not so much-. This is one show that continued to be good and ended where and when it was supposed to end. Great job people I just wish you didn't marr it with the films but no use crying about spilled milk now.

And I have started Sungkyunhwan Scandal which everyone loved when it aired but didn't quite got my attention, probably because the lead actors were not people I found handsome - but it turned out to be very charming, engaging and visually pleasing. Now I have finished 7 episodes and this is yet another time I'm glad I stay away from spoilers :) (It served me well in Hong Gil Dong and Capital Scandal and now here!)

Still reading Ms.Kostova's The Historian and it is a great book.