Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yahşi Batı

Yahşi Batı (lit. translation Good West - a word play in Turkish language) 2009, Directed by Ömer Faruk Sorak, written by Cem Yılmaz.

In one of those rare occurences, this film ended being exactly what I expected. It was decent timepass. And Cem Yılmaz is a very very good, naturally talented actor. I think it'd be better if he just acts.

This man is a wonderful stand up comedian and a very good cartoon artist. He also loves cinema (that was obvious in every scene) but the script is a bit stilted and there isn't that certain flow that elevates a film from being above average.

I also liked the actor who played sheriff. He got the most laughs out of me.

And I have been thinking about Jumong! If I ever end up finishing this drama, I can't imagine the withdrawal symptoms.

Meanwhile Jamaica Inn is very very good. I love how Ms. Du Maurier describes the surroundings and the mystery is suitable mysterious.

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