Tuesday, January 26, 2010

100 Years of Solitude - End, The Unkindness of Ravens

I have finished 100 Years of Solitude yesterday and I really got into it despite being emotionally a bit distant to it. But it is a wonderful book and I think a must read for any book lover.

There were guests last night and they left rather late (I'm not complaining) so there wasn't any time to watch a film. I had weird dreams though and I hope they mean good things. I so want to keep a dream journal the way the protagonist of Spring Snow, the beautiful novel written by Yukio Mishima did. But I'm too lazy to wake up and write everything I have seen down despite the idea being very very attractive and I do believe dreams can be interpreted. If these weird dreaming keeps maybe I'll start.

I have started to read The Unkindness of Ravens. Ruth Rendell never let me down so far and this is the first book in which Inspector Wexford has a starring role (he showed up at the end of The Bridesmaid but I guess it was just a cameo)

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