Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jumong XLI - XLIII & Bigamekibasuyake End

Jumong is still the prince of heart. The first three episodes of Volume 3 were once again captivating and full of intrigue, drama and love.

Sosuhno is pregnant - no one said so far but I have a suspicion that it is Jumong's child. Wootae does not really act like a proud father... And Sosuhno being pregnant makes me understand the decision to marry Wootae a bit better.

The eye bag chief Songyang is out to get Sosuhno but she uncovered the treason of her aunt and chose to forgive her this once for Yontabal's sake. Of course she never told of this to Yontabal.
I really like how the good guys in this show usually chose to forgive the bad deeds. At least how this is their first reaction.

Stupid Youngpo decided to kill Daeso (partnering with Dochi and his sidekick). Jumong found out about this but kept it a secret until they decided to dress assassins in uniforms of Keru soldiers. So Jumong saved Daeso from assasination in order to save Keru from blame (Sosuhno is still precious to him but he is also not one to forget kindness) Daeso killed Dochi and the side kick and was about to kill Youngpo but Queen prevented it. Youngpo was in prison with the threat of execution on his head but King asked Prime Minister to come up with a solution to save Youngpo. And Prime Minister told the Queen that she should suggest Daeso to send Youngpo as a hostage to Han.

Thus Jumong was saved from Han trip. But his mother insisted that he marry Yesoya (interestingly this is also what Daeso wanted but for different reasons). Jumong still loves Sosuhno and he might not have agreed but Sultak (the rebel who killed Yesoya's father) found Yesoya and wanted to take her back to her tribe as his wife. Jumong rescued her and saw that the best way to protect her would be to marry her. He talked to her and explained that he still have feelings for Sosuhno but will try to forget her now that she is married and they are not to be.

Evil Daeso gave the task of collecting and sending Josun migrants back to Han to be solved as slaves. Jumong accepted the task and did a very good job but the comrade trio were furious and decided to break their ties with Jumong since he is acting so much against his ideals. Mopalmo though trusted Jumong and thought that he may have a plan.
One of the trio Hyupbo went to Keru to see Sayong (the hermaphrodite strategist). These two have something going on, a tentative mutual attraction. This is intersting since Sayong dresses like a man - I really like Sayong. Have a strange liking for men in make up.

Of course Jumong has a plan. He wants to collect the migrants but not to take them to Han. He wants to rebuild Damul army and fulfil his father's mission. Daeso trusts him and he also wants to take his mother with him. But Yuhwa doesn't want to leave the King alone in the now hostile palace. So Jumong talked to the King asked him to give permission for Yuhwa to leave. But Yuhwa says that Jumong has Yesoya, friends and immigrants but the King has no one. The King replied that Jumong will not leave unless his mother comes with him. These two were crying and holding hands. It was kind of sad.

Of course evil Sullan suspects Jumong and I hope she will not ruin his plans. Deaso and Sullan are my least fave people along with the Queen.

I have finished Bigamekibasuyake and it got more interesting towards the end. She has lots of adventures.

I cannot decide on what to read next. Maybe Daphne Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn.

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