Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Just when I thought episode 77 would be a filler with all the flashbacks King Kumwa was having, it changed directions and turned out to be a full melodrama fest. These three episodes left me in tears and I realised how much I invested in these characters.

Jumong is now united with Yesoya and Yuri but the Jolbon side of Koguryo palace is in an unrest since they don't know what to do. As Jumong's first wife Yesoya deserves to be empress and Yuri would be the crown prince. Yuri turns out to be not only a couregous and skilled fighter, he is also a good thinker and this caused some jelaousy in Piryu. It is only normal but Yontabal's scheming sister (angry at Jumong since he punished her son for a grave mistake he did, even the son himself thinks he should be punished btw) and her side kick Yangtak poisoned Piryu's mind with their jealous and ambitious words. These two decided to kill Jumong and hired mercaneries and informed Piryu about their plan. I guess they wanted to include him to avoid the death of their families if their plan is not successful. As soon as Yontabal found out that they hired mercaneries, he informed Sosuhno and they figured out these two are upto no good. Episode 79 ended with them trying to reach Jumong and Yuri before the assassins do.

Meanwhile things in Puyo are not going very well. Daeso is trying to string both Han and Koguryo along and strenghten their resources with the gifts they are giving them in exchange for their support in the upcoming war. Jumong tricked Daeso again and I laughed out loud when he found out. He was livid! Jumong also angered Yodong's Governor by killing his brother and his advance troop in a suprise attack (Yuri's idea).

Sullan, the evil woman ordered Mauryung to put a curse on Jumong, when Youngpo saw them going to the ceremony he wanted to curse him too (Youngpo, after being imprisoned by Yodong Governor was rescued by Daeso and forced to turn over his considerable wealth to Puyo in exchange, he is very bitter, the idiot). As soon as Mauryung started cursing Jumong (with Sullan and Youngpo in tow) a lighting struck her and killed her on the spot. When the Queen heard this she finally understood that Jumong will not be defeated by these means and asked Daeso to side with Jumong and not oppose him since it will put Daeso's life in danger. Daeso answered her that he will not die easily. I sense something terrible is going to happen to him since when Mauryung saw Yuri at the palace earlier, she predicted that he will harm Daeso.

I never really liked Sosuhno but she conquered me in these three episodes. Apart from being smart she really is kind hearted and treated Yesoya so well urging her to become empress and telling her sons that titles don't really matter when people unite for a good and just cause and contribute to achieving it. I'm proud of her.
Yesoya refused to become empress but she was so happy when Sosuhno asked her to be helped on her feet to meet Jumong (and Yuri) on their return from a successful mission that I cried some more. I wish I was as kind hearted as Sosuhno.

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