Monday, January 18, 2010


Last night Jumong again suprised me by a "15 Years Later". Yuri is now a young man and he has a small gang including two close friends and they do smuggling jobs. Yuri is smart and he is a great fighter. The only reason he is smuggling is to help his mother out. Yesoya is working at an inn and is very ill (coughing blood).
They reside in a small village near North Okju border.

Koguryo is a thriving nation which expanded and doing well. The two princes (Sosuhno's sons) are elder Prince Piryu, who seems to be a decent young man who is also a good fighter and very eager to go into adventures and feels ready for the tasks he hopes to be given to him.
Younger prince Onju is a darling who is training under Mopalmo and learns how to produce weapons and farm tools etc.

Jumong and Sosuhno govern together but it is clear that Jumong is the King (or Emperor as the subtitles tell us but they utter "pea" which is a word they use for the King as well)

King Kumwa is still alive (shock!) and Deaso, his mom and Sullan live in Puyo which is a poor country now. Youngpo on the other hand became a very rich merchant, thanks to his connections and apparently he has a knack for trade. But of course he is not content with what he has and wants to be King of Puyo. Well tough luck since King finally agrees to leave the throne to Daeso. And just when Queen, Sullan and the monkey like court minister (yeah he is alive too, apparently no one died) are totally happy, Jumong arrives the inauguration ceremony (everyone is invited). Jumong wants to become allies with Puyo since his enemy are the Han and wants to beat them. Yodong Governor wants Puyo to become allies with Han. Daeso needs to decide (when he asked for his father's advice the King adviced him not to allow a grudge to cloud his judgement). Jumong told him the same thing, he said that his father and mother died in Puyo but he still wants to become allies for the good of the people and to beat the Han.

Through circumstances Yuri met and fought with Prince Piryu and beat him but he didn't kill him. And they he attended the inauguration tournament (since Yesoya decided to tell him who his father is, I think she is very ill and wants him to know everything before she passes away). Oi had seen Yesoya but lost her in the crowds and when he came back to find her they already left (since Yuri is running away from the Okjuh police).
Yesoya wanted to go to Puyo in order to retrieve the tip of the sword Jumong gave her (he told her to give it to their son so that he'll recognise him) Silly Yesoya has hidden it in Puyo Palace when they were hostages. She told Yuri to get that and then she'll tell him everything about his father.

She couldn't help but attend the tournament and watch Jumong from a far but Jumong (who is a master archer and who has great eyesight) saw her and sent Oi and Hyupbo to look for her but she also understood that she has been spotted and ran away.
Yuri beat Piryu in the tournament and Daeso was very happy since he didn't want a Koguryo prince to become champion at his inauguration. Queen became very ill as soon as she heard Jumong was in the palace and couldn't even get to watch Daeso to wear the crown. I don't feel sorry for her, evil woman that she is.

Jumong wanted to visit the place where his father died while waiting for Daeso to decide whom to side with. Naro assigned Yuri to tail them. Yuri was caught and everyone wanted to kill him but Jumong let him go (and Piryu to his credit agreed with Jumong). He went away but found out that several men are on their way to attack Jumong (these are the idiot Youngpo's men, Youngpo is trying to get favours from Yodong governor by killing Jumong). And he returned to help Jumong. And when they were fighting, at one point they stood back to back against their attackers. And that's where episode 76 ended!!!!

Sosuhno and Jumong, although husband and wife, do not share that earlier intimacy of the days when they were dating. And they don't have child together. I think this is mostly because of Jumong being really aloof. I can't blame him, there was a scene where he kept the single shoe of his then three year old son. He doesn't even know whether the shoe is definitely Yuri's or not but it is the only thing left to him after -he thinks- their death. Now that he knows they are alive I bet he'll do anything to find them.

Only five episodes left...

Meanwhile 100 Years of Solitude is going great. I don't feel close to this book but it definitely takes me to another world, which is interesting and a bit mad so far.

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