Friday, January 15, 2010

Jumong First Three Episodes of Volume 4

Jumong keeps making me entertained. It has its small faults (repetition and tired extras in some of the scenes) but I think this is a great show, definitely a keeper.

First thing, Sosuhno insisted that Jumong should be the King of the new nation (Koguryo) since his leadership much better than hers. She is a very smart and capable lady and I love the fact that she thought their mission more important than who is going to have power.

Now Jumong is trying to keep Jolbon afloat - why? Because Han and Puyo joined forces and applied an embargo to Jolbon by threatening all the other tribes (such as Okjuh and Haegin) not to trade with them. This is bad since Jolbon is eating up its resources due to the immigrants that keep coming. They first thought to trade with Gosan's salt but evil Daeso already blocked all the roads with Han's iron army backing Puyo up.
Meanwhile Daeso sent an assassin to kill Jumong but Bubuhno, the assassin actually liked the leadership of Jumong and failed to kill him (he didn't want to in the beginning but Daeso and Naro held his family hostage). Jumong forgave Bubuhno after hearing his story and told him to tell Daeso that he killed him. The timing was such that Jumong went to Eupru tribe to seek some outlaw pirates to carry food from South via sea route. So when Bubuhno returned Puyo saying that he killed Jumong, Daeso made inquiries and found out Jumong is absent from all the meetings and trainings. He also consulted Mauryung and she told Daeso that there is a cloud hanging over Jumong and Jolbon. So everyone in Puyo and Han thinks that Jumong is dead but Jolbon keeps it a secret to avoid caos.
Poor Yuhwa is devastated and asked the King to release her and Yesoya and the kid. But the King refused to let Yuhwa go. He is such an asshole. Yuhwa went on a hunger strike but the King refused to acknowledge this for four days. Yuhwa became severly ill (not suprisingly) and Bubuhno couldn't stand this any longer and told Yuhwa and Yesoya that he didn't actually kill Jumong but Jumong told him to say so in order to save Bubuhno's family. Bubuhno said he will think of a way to get Yuhwa and Yesoya out now that his family is safe and will join Jumong later on. Idiot Daeso is going to go on a war with Jolbon and now that Eyebags is sour due to lack of food and Han threat (Jumong told him that he will fight Han but now he needs to sort out the food problem first) he went to convince him to change sides again.

And Jumong is returning to Jolbon after leaving eveyrthing to Sosuhno and the pirates.

I actually wept during Bubuhno scene and the scene where Jumong convinces the pirates. The pirate leader's father was in Damul army and fought with Haemosu. His story was touching. Sosuhno decided to go with the pirates since there needs to be someone who knows how to trade food. There was this scene with Jumong and Sosuhno where Jumong told her that he doesn't really want her to go in this perilious journey. Sosuhno told him that whenever she feels afraid she will think of Jumong and the way he leads immigrants and not be afraid anymore. These two have feelings for eachother but I hope that Jumong will not act upon them since he is married to a nice woman. I hope that the script will keep on being good and will not conveniently kill Yesoya off.

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