Thursday, January 28, 2010

Star Trek

Star Trek (2009) Directed by J.J Abrams, written by Roberto Olci and Alex Kurtzman, adapted from television series by Gene Roddenberry.

I liked it very much. The script was not good but the film was directed well and I liked the cinematography a lot.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

100 Years of Solitude - End, The Unkindness of Ravens

I have finished 100 Years of Solitude yesterday and I really got into it despite being emotionally a bit distant to it. But it is a wonderful book and I think a must read for any book lover.

There were guests last night and they left rather late (I'm not complaining) so there wasn't any time to watch a film. I had weird dreams though and I hope they mean good things. I so want to keep a dream journal the way the protagonist of Spring Snow, the beautiful novel written by Yukio Mishima did. But I'm too lazy to wake up and write everything I have seen down despite the idea being very very attractive and I do believe dreams can be interpreted. If these weird dreaming keeps maybe I'll start.

I have started to read The Unkindness of Ravens. Ruth Rendell never let me down so far and this is the first book in which Inspector Wexford has a starring role (he showed up at the end of The Bridesmaid but I guess it was just a cameo)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wanted and Twilight

After Jumong it was kind of hard to return to my pre Jumong viewing habbits but I'm back in the saddle and

Wanted (2009) Directed by Prabhudeva, written by Sunir Kumal Agrawal and Shiraz Ahmed

This remake of a South Indian film is a success as far as I'm concerned. Salman Khan (an actor I don't usually care for) is excellent in the lead role supported wonderfully by Prakash Raj and Ayesha Takia. I loved it.

Twilight (2008) Directed by Catherine Hardwickle, written by Melissa Rosenberg adopted from the book of the same name written by Stephanie Meyer.

It is very similar to the book and strangely shallow for a film that is about many emotions but give me a clean cinematography with lots of close up shots and I'm happy. I enjoyed this one.

100 Years of Solutitude continues to amaze me though I still am not in love with it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jumong End

Yes I have completed the total 81 episodes last night and I even watched a special TV programme featuring the actors and a lame making of. The NGs were nice but after such a huge production, one expectes a better TV show. It was funny to see the actors without the period costumes.

Jumong is one of the best shows I have seen, every episode packed with excitement and enough emotion to burst me into tears (I have to admit this is not very a hard thing to do).

In fact I was thinking of how well I was holding myself in the last episode until the seperation of Hyupbo and Sayong scene. I didn't know where the tears came from but it felt so touching with Hyupbo crying and Sayong holding himself in order not to cry. It just turned the taps on.

I really admired Sosuhno in this one since she actually kept her word and left with her two sons to establish a new nation in South.

Jumong became allies (this time for real) with Daeso (who never liked Jumong but finally understood that he needed to side with him in order to achieve a victory) after his father the King was assasinated by the Han. Youngpo had just joined the King on Daeso's orders.

Well it all ended on a bittersweet note with Sosuhno leaving Jumong and Koguryo, and Yesoya being the empress and Yuri the crown prince. It said in the end that Sosuhno's younger son Onjo helped to build a nation called Baekche.
Daeso was killed by Jumong's grandson (Yuri's son) and after his death, Puyo perished.

Jumong's Koguryo prospered even more after Sosuhno's departure and Jumong died 40 years old with his dream achieved.

I think I'll suffer from withdrawal symptoms with 3 episodes a night but the ending was so lacklustre that I think this will mitigate them somehow.

Meanwhile 100 Years of Solitude is going very good and Gabriel Garcia Marquez has a very strong and impressive prose. I'm not in love with it (the way I'm with Murakami Haruki, Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy) but it is very entertaining and being in awe of this talent, I'm enjoying the book very very much.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Just when I thought episode 77 would be a filler with all the flashbacks King Kumwa was having, it changed directions and turned out to be a full melodrama fest. These three episodes left me in tears and I realised how much I invested in these characters.

Jumong is now united with Yesoya and Yuri but the Jolbon side of Koguryo palace is in an unrest since they don't know what to do. As Jumong's first wife Yesoya deserves to be empress and Yuri would be the crown prince. Yuri turns out to be not only a couregous and skilled fighter, he is also a good thinker and this caused some jelaousy in Piryu. It is only normal but Yontabal's scheming sister (angry at Jumong since he punished her son for a grave mistake he did, even the son himself thinks he should be punished btw) and her side kick Yangtak poisoned Piryu's mind with their jealous and ambitious words. These two decided to kill Jumong and hired mercaneries and informed Piryu about their plan. I guess they wanted to include him to avoid the death of their families if their plan is not successful. As soon as Yontabal found out that they hired mercaneries, he informed Sosuhno and they figured out these two are upto no good. Episode 79 ended with them trying to reach Jumong and Yuri before the assassins do.

Meanwhile things in Puyo are not going very well. Daeso is trying to string both Han and Koguryo along and strenghten their resources with the gifts they are giving them in exchange for their support in the upcoming war. Jumong tricked Daeso again and I laughed out loud when he found out. He was livid! Jumong also angered Yodong's Governor by killing his brother and his advance troop in a suprise attack (Yuri's idea).

Sullan, the evil woman ordered Mauryung to put a curse on Jumong, when Youngpo saw them going to the ceremony he wanted to curse him too (Youngpo, after being imprisoned by Yodong Governor was rescued by Daeso and forced to turn over his considerable wealth to Puyo in exchange, he is very bitter, the idiot). As soon as Mauryung started cursing Jumong (with Sullan and Youngpo in tow) a lighting struck her and killed her on the spot. When the Queen heard this she finally understood that Jumong will not be defeated by these means and asked Daeso to side with Jumong and not oppose him since it will put Daeso's life in danger. Daeso answered her that he will not die easily. I sense something terrible is going to happen to him since when Mauryung saw Yuri at the palace earlier, she predicted that he will harm Daeso.

I never really liked Sosuhno but she conquered me in these three episodes. Apart from being smart she really is kind hearted and treated Yesoya so well urging her to become empress and telling her sons that titles don't really matter when people unite for a good and just cause and contribute to achieving it. I'm proud of her.
Yesoya refused to become empress but she was so happy when Sosuhno asked her to be helped on her feet to meet Jumong (and Yuri) on their return from a successful mission that I cried some more. I wish I was as kind hearted as Sosuhno.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Last night Jumong again suprised me by a "15 Years Later". Yuri is now a young man and he has a small gang including two close friends and they do smuggling jobs. Yuri is smart and he is a great fighter. The only reason he is smuggling is to help his mother out. Yesoya is working at an inn and is very ill (coughing blood).
They reside in a small village near North Okju border.

Koguryo is a thriving nation which expanded and doing well. The two princes (Sosuhno's sons) are elder Prince Piryu, who seems to be a decent young man who is also a good fighter and very eager to go into adventures and feels ready for the tasks he hopes to be given to him.
Younger prince Onju is a darling who is training under Mopalmo and learns how to produce weapons and farm tools etc.

Jumong and Sosuhno govern together but it is clear that Jumong is the King (or Emperor as the subtitles tell us but they utter "pea" which is a word they use for the King as well)

King Kumwa is still alive (shock!) and Deaso, his mom and Sullan live in Puyo which is a poor country now. Youngpo on the other hand became a very rich merchant, thanks to his connections and apparently he has a knack for trade. But of course he is not content with what he has and wants to be King of Puyo. Well tough luck since King finally agrees to leave the throne to Daeso. And just when Queen, Sullan and the monkey like court minister (yeah he is alive too, apparently no one died) are totally happy, Jumong arrives the inauguration ceremony (everyone is invited). Jumong wants to become allies with Puyo since his enemy are the Han and wants to beat them. Yodong Governor wants Puyo to become allies with Han. Daeso needs to decide (when he asked for his father's advice the King adviced him not to allow a grudge to cloud his judgement). Jumong told him the same thing, he said that his father and mother died in Puyo but he still wants to become allies for the good of the people and to beat the Han.

Through circumstances Yuri met and fought with Prince Piryu and beat him but he didn't kill him. And they he attended the inauguration tournament (since Yesoya decided to tell him who his father is, I think she is very ill and wants him to know everything before she passes away). Oi had seen Yesoya but lost her in the crowds and when he came back to find her they already left (since Yuri is running away from the Okjuh police).
Yesoya wanted to go to Puyo in order to retrieve the tip of the sword Jumong gave her (he told her to give it to their son so that he'll recognise him) Silly Yesoya has hidden it in Puyo Palace when they were hostages. She told Yuri to get that and then she'll tell him everything about his father.

She couldn't help but attend the tournament and watch Jumong from a far but Jumong (who is a master archer and who has great eyesight) saw her and sent Oi and Hyupbo to look for her but she also understood that she has been spotted and ran away.
Yuri beat Piryu in the tournament and Daeso was very happy since he didn't want a Koguryo prince to become champion at his inauguration. Queen became very ill as soon as she heard Jumong was in the palace and couldn't even get to watch Daeso to wear the crown. I don't feel sorry for her, evil woman that she is.

Jumong wanted to visit the place where his father died while waiting for Daeso to decide whom to side with. Naro assigned Yuri to tail them. Yuri was caught and everyone wanted to kill him but Jumong let him go (and Piryu to his credit agreed with Jumong). He went away but found out that several men are on their way to attack Jumong (these are the idiot Youngpo's men, Youngpo is trying to get favours from Yodong governor by killing Jumong). And he returned to help Jumong. And when they were fighting, at one point they stood back to back against their attackers. And that's where episode 76 ended!!!!

Sosuhno and Jumong, although husband and wife, do not share that earlier intimacy of the days when they were dating. And they don't have child together. I think this is mostly because of Jumong being really aloof. I can't blame him, there was a scene where he kept the single shoe of his then three year old son. He doesn't even know whether the shoe is definitely Yuri's or not but it is the only thing left to him after -he thinks- their death. Now that he knows they are alive I bet he'll do anything to find them.

Only five episodes left...

Meanwhile 100 Years of Solitude is going great. I don't feel close to this book but it definitely takes me to another world, which is interesting and a bit mad so far.


I keep watching Jumong and it is integrated into my system. I wonder what will happen when this will end (The show is 81 episodes) the withdrawal symptoms scare me.

Today I woke up late and my sister had to take me to work (which is about 20 minutes away by car).

And returning to Jumong, there isn't a useless moment in it and they did good with the screenplay. It is long but each episode is full of exciting stuff and they all manage to end at a cliff hanger.

Sosuhno and Jumong got married! What happened was that even though Sosuhno willingly asked Jumong to be the new king of Koguryo, her supporters and Jolbon chiefs were all scared that Jumong will forget them when he has all the power and that Sosuhno has contributed so much to the new nation that it is only natural for her to be Queen. Jumong supporters totally opposed to the idea having the same fears themselves. Jumong had a meeting and told everyone that his first priority is to build a nation for the Josun migrants and that make sure of their wellbeing. He never intended to be King and is not qualified to govern a nation anyway. But his supporters insisted that he should be king. So Yontabal had the bright idea to marry these two. Since they are both widowers and they used to like eachother romantically, this seems to be the ideal solution. And those two agreed to it after some hesitation.

The thing is that Jumong searched for Yesoya and Yuri everywhere after he took Hyonto. Even though they believed Youngpo was lying he never gave up the search and often cried for his wife and son. But Yesoya never showed up after she escaped from Youngpo's imprisonment.

And she arrived at Keru at the day of the announcement of the new nation. Roughed up by the travels and with Yuri in her lap assuring him that he'll get to see his father today. But she found out right upon her arrival that today is the day of the announcement of the new nation and just when her face shone with happiness she learned that it is a double celebration since Sosuhno and Jumong are getting married too. She is devastated but went to the wedding and stood among the other people who are witnessing this joyous occasion. She understood that the main reason for this is to establish a nation without internal feuds. You can just see her face that she is happy for Jumong now that he has finally completed his mission but what about her and their son? She looked really poor and will poor Yuri grow up without knowing his father?

This was something I didn't see coming. I thought they would kill Yesoya or get rid of her somehow but they didn't thank God. This makes things complicated and I'm very eager to learn what'll happen.

Meanwhile Yangjung died in the battlefield and Sullan was taken prisoner but Jumong let her go. Sosuhno said -to her face - that she wouldn't do as a hostage since she has no value now that her father is dead and no one in Puyo asked for her anyway. It was a bit harsh even though Sullan deserves to DIF, still...

Of course she is so evil that as soon as she returned to Puyo she started to plot how to make Daeso King so that he can go to war against Jumong and get revenge for her father. Daeso still wants to be King but they go crazy over Jumong building a nation and becoming King before Daeso. These people are pathetic. And furthermore when Youngpo returned to Puyo, he found out that he was suspected treason (logically) and that Deaso is after him. Queen told him to leave Puyo to avoid Daeso's wrath. Even his mother didn't want him. Youngpo went to the Han capital and met Hwang (who was taken prisoner by Jumong and then exchanged with migrants). Hwang is going to be Yodong governor and he promised to take Youngpo with him.

Meanwhile King is vomitting blood and I don't feel sad for him at all. But Sullan took this opportunity to try to poison him but King's bodyguard became aware of the plot and alerted Prime Minister. Daeso killed the doctor hired by Sullan and told Sullan that he is letting her go
this time but that she musn't try to kill the King. I can't believe these people!!! They are so evil. Youngpo is normally a character I would despise but in comparison to them I feel sad for him.

I wonder what will happen to Yesoya, with no finances and nowhere to go, what will she do?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jumong First Three Episodes of Volume 4

Jumong keeps making me entertained. It has its small faults (repetition and tired extras in some of the scenes) but I think this is a great show, definitely a keeper.

First thing, Sosuhno insisted that Jumong should be the King of the new nation (Koguryo) since his leadership much better than hers. She is a very smart and capable lady and I love the fact that she thought their mission more important than who is going to have power.

Now Jumong is trying to keep Jolbon afloat - why? Because Han and Puyo joined forces and applied an embargo to Jolbon by threatening all the other tribes (such as Okjuh and Haegin) not to trade with them. This is bad since Jolbon is eating up its resources due to the immigrants that keep coming. They first thought to trade with Gosan's salt but evil Daeso already blocked all the roads with Han's iron army backing Puyo up.
Meanwhile Daeso sent an assassin to kill Jumong but Bubuhno, the assassin actually liked the leadership of Jumong and failed to kill him (he didn't want to in the beginning but Daeso and Naro held his family hostage). Jumong forgave Bubuhno after hearing his story and told him to tell Daeso that he killed him. The timing was such that Jumong went to Eupru tribe to seek some outlaw pirates to carry food from South via sea route. So when Bubuhno returned Puyo saying that he killed Jumong, Daeso made inquiries and found out Jumong is absent from all the meetings and trainings. He also consulted Mauryung and she told Daeso that there is a cloud hanging over Jumong and Jolbon. So everyone in Puyo and Han thinks that Jumong is dead but Jolbon keeps it a secret to avoid caos.
Poor Yuhwa is devastated and asked the King to release her and Yesoya and the kid. But the King refused to let Yuhwa go. He is such an asshole. Yuhwa went on a hunger strike but the King refused to acknowledge this for four days. Yuhwa became severly ill (not suprisingly) and Bubuhno couldn't stand this any longer and told Yuhwa and Yesoya that he didn't actually kill Jumong but Jumong told him to say so in order to save Bubuhno's family. Bubuhno said he will think of a way to get Yuhwa and Yesoya out now that his family is safe and will join Jumong later on. Idiot Daeso is going to go on a war with Jolbon and now that Eyebags is sour due to lack of food and Han threat (Jumong told him that he will fight Han but now he needs to sort out the food problem first) he went to convince him to change sides again.

And Jumong is returning to Jolbon after leaving eveyrthing to Sosuhno and the pirates.

I actually wept during Bubuhno scene and the scene where Jumong convinces the pirates. The pirate leader's father was in Damul army and fought with Haemosu. His story was touching. Sosuhno decided to go with the pirates since there needs to be someone who knows how to trade food. There was this scene with Jumong and Sosuhno where Jumong told her that he doesn't really want her to go in this perilious journey. Sosuhno told him that whenever she feels afraid she will think of Jumong and the way he leads immigrants and not be afraid anymore. These two have feelings for eachother but I hope that Jumong will not act upon them since he is married to a nice woman. I hope that the script will keep on being good and will not conveniently kill Yesoya off.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jumong LIX-LX & LXI, Jamaica Inn-End And 100 Years of Solutitude

I'm officially living and breathing Jumong. Each episode is equally exciting and they manage to finish at a cliff hanger all the time.

Yuhwa and Yesoya tried to escape from the Palace but they were caught in trying to go across Keru border.

The weird scar has gone away from King's face. Mauryung washed it with the sacred water given by the sorceress in the sacred mountain.

Queen is arranging a concubine for Daeso since Sullan cannot get pregnant. Sullan is so angry but I can't feel any pity for this evil woman.

Daeso is totally bonkers killing defenseless old men and children. He is such a physcho that he killed them himself.

People are trying to escape from Puyo because there is nothing to eat due to famine. But Daeso caught some and when he was about to kill them King arrived and questioned these poor people. I thought he was going to forgive and feed them but King is also a bit mad now and after the people suggested that he unites with Jumong, he ordered them to be beheaded and their heads to be put on display to give and idea to people who try to escape their stupid country. Seriously these guys should die as soon as possible. The King told Yuhwa that he will rather kill her than let her go.

Even comic relief villain Youngpo is not funny anymore. He does serious harm to people.

Sosuhno was wounded when trying to assassinate EyeBags but Jumong came to the rescue. He explained her his plans to regain Ancient Josun land and unite all the tribes. He wants to start by uniting Jolbon without a war. He convinced two of the tribe chiefs and EyeBags ran to Governor but Governor didn't give him any help. Daeso said to EyeBags that Puyo will provide reinforcements but EyeBags doesn't have enough money to supply them (Sosuhno burnt down their supplies).

EyeBags asked to see Jumong alone and even though everyone on Jumong's team told him not to go and they have enough power to crush EyeBags, Jumong said he'd try to avoid war and went to see him.

Now Sosuhno is with Jumong all the time and she is pining over him. But Jumong although attentive totally acts professional and thinks of his mother, wife and son. I hope that Yesoya will not die. I like Sosuhno / Jumong OTP but he is a married man now. Also there is the issue of who is going to rule over Jolbon. They didn't settle it yet. Sosuhno told her son that he will be the King of Jolbon one day but if Jumong's plans work then there will be a new, united nation.

I love Jumong, how modest, how courageous and how smart he is. But most of all he has a kind heart and is very considerate.

Meanwhile I have finished Jamaica Inn and it was a good novel. I thought about which novel to start next. Actually wanted to read another Ruth Rendell but decided to go to a different direction and give Garcia Marquez a try. Many people who like to read consider 100 Years of Soltitude their favorite novel and I remember reading a Marquez novel years ago but was not really impressed. I guess I'm mature enough now since I'm liking it very much so far.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Jumong sucked me in so bad that even see the show in my dreams now.

And lots of things happened - and the show had the "3 Years Later" thing and now

Jumong is leading the Damul Army, he is very successful but his wife (and now 3 year old son Yuri) and his mother are still hostages in Puyo.

I said hostages since even though Daeso was kicked out by a coup initiated by Prime Minister (that sly fox deserves what is coming to him - he killed Yeomiul!) the King severed all ties with Jumong (after taking him prisoner first, then helping him escape but without his mother and wife) the King is very ambitious. But he woke up one day to find half of his face covered with a wine coloured stain that would not go away.

Daeso and Sullan were exiled to Easter Frontier but returned after YangJang asked for them. Yeah the Governor of Hyonto is still alive and kicking. Now he lusts after Puyo. Sullan cannot get pregnant but we don't know whether it is due to her or Daeso.

Youngpo, comic relief villain is back at the palace but he cannot get any break.

Sosuhno (now mother of two - I guess that child was not Jumong's after all) prepared an army in 3 years and now is back as the chief of Keru - Her husband Wootae died during an attack at eyebag chief Sonyang. Her aim is to unite and rule Jolbon but Yanjang is going ot assist Eyebag with his iron army and Sosuhno's army doesn't stand a chance against them. She asked Jumong's help, offering the area as a place to settle the new nation in (yeah the hideout is becoming too small for Jumong) but the left section of Jumong's team suggested that they need to determine who will be the ruler of the area.

Sayong is even better looking with his hair tied up. I love this hermafrodite character and not just because he is a hermafrodite. Hyubpo is a luck guy.

And lastly my love Jumong (yeah he is my love now) returned to the sacred mountain to check the bow he broke when young out. But the bow was miraculously intacts and the sorceress of the sacred mountain (the King went to see her but she told the King that Puyo will perish) appeared and told Jumong that the bow is not Puyo's sacred treasure but Ancient Josun's sacred item. And its rightful owner is Jumong. But Jumong needs to find the two other Josun items (yeah Jumong started to resemble Harry Potter) and if they fall into wrong hands then the mission of getting back the lost land of Josun will not be completed (She reminds him that Haemosu was also a chosen person but he couldn't complete the mission).

Jumong is very kind and smart (the first thing he did was searching for old Ancient Josun documents - apparently they are in Han and Puyo libraries). The map they have found of Ancient Josun shows a lot of land and he doesn't hesitate to help Sosuhno out regardless of who will be the ruler since it is a step towards the right direction in achieving his goal, which is to complete the "mission". Sosuhno of course doesn't know this and she planned an assessination attempt on Eyebags - will Jumong reach Keru in time to help Sosuhno out? Will Sosuhno get caught?

Oh Jumong I love you. You have such a good heart and you are strong and focused but you also use your brain. Not to mention the fact that you look hot with or without a beard. This man is a dream.

Jamaica Inn is going good and I love how exciting the prose of Ms.Du Maurier is.

Meanwhile I have watched

17 Again (2009) Directed by Burr Stiers, written by Jason Filardi.

It was Ok, nothing special but it didn't suck either.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yahşi Batı

Yahşi Batı (lit. translation Good West - a word play in Turkish language) 2009, Directed by Ömer Faruk Sorak, written by Cem Yılmaz.

In one of those rare occurences, this film ended being exactly what I expected. It was decent timepass. And Cem Yılmaz is a very very good, naturally talented actor. I think it'd be better if he just acts.

This man is a wonderful stand up comedian and a very good cartoon artist. He also loves cinema (that was obvious in every scene) but the script is a bit stilted and there isn't that certain flow that elevates a film from being above average.

I also liked the actor who played sheriff. He got the most laughs out of me.

And I have been thinking about Jumong! If I ever end up finishing this drama, I can't imagine the withdrawal symptoms.

Meanwhile Jamaica Inn is very very good. I love how Ms. Du Maurier describes the surroundings and the mystery is suitable mysterious.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jumong XLIV- XLVI & Jamaica Inn

I had decided not to watch Jumong last night since I'm slowly being consumed by it and wanted to distance myself away a bit. However I simply couldn't wait until I popped disc2 of Volume 3 and eagerly watched how Jumong started to establish a new nation.

This is getting ridiculous so I'll force myself to go to cinema this evening to watch the new film of a stand up comedian (and caricatur artist) I like very much. So insaallah a break from Jumong.

Things are really very exciting though and Jumong is getting more amazing with each episode, but also remain humble and kind. He managed to rescue the Josun immigrants and re-established the Damul Army to fight the Han.

But Yesoya couldn't get away since evil Sullan caught her during escape and Daeso imprisoned her. But when it is revealed that she is pregnant, she was moved into her chambers (but still a prisoner).
We had seen Yesoya and Jumong hugging each other earlier so I guess hugging is equal to sex (hugging between people romantically involved that is). Now I'm even more convinced that Sosuhno is pregnant with Jumong's child. They hugged a few times.

Daeso was mad mad mad and it was good that he got a taste of the consequences of his actions. When he was complaining to the King (who wanted Yesoya to be moved out of the prison) that Jumong betrayed his trust but finally the King reminded him of what he did to Jumong. He said "You killed his father, you sold his father's head to the Han. What did you expect?" finally someone acknowledged out loud how evil Daeso actually is. People around him are too polite.

Songyang, the eye bag chief really pushed Sosuhno to the limit, but Yeomiul -before leaving Keru to join Jumong's new nation- told her that she and Jumong will come together again (though it was not specified whether this would include a romantic relationship or not - ahhhh subtitles!!) in the future and she must not act, but wait. So when she outwit eye bags with a clever commercial maneouver, eye bags said he will go to war with Keru. So Sosuhno went to him and told him that she'll do whatever he wants her to do. Now Sosuhno resigned as the chief (with Yontabal's evil sister's son being the chief now) and has given her rights on salt to Songyang and all the military actions are banned in Keru. Everyone is very sad but Sosuhno bet on Yeomiul's predictions and is now waiting.

Meanwhile the first thing Jumong did after establishing his army was to attack Yesoya's tribe and kill Sultak, avenging Yesoya and her father. Yesoya was pleased when she heard that.

And I wondered, Jumong left Yesoya in the palace, he hesitated a bit and remembered his parents' words but in the end he decided to leave her there (although I suppose he doesn't know she is pregnant), if it was Sosuhno in the same situation, he'd not leave her there is what I was thinking.

At episode 44 during when King and Yuhwa left the palace under the pretense of going to hot springs (in order to take away the best bodyguards, tricking Daeso) and Jumong said goodbyes to his mother and when he is saying by to the King I got suprisingly emotional and started crying.

And the lesser evil Youngpo is now at Han capital and enjoying a life of debauchery but also trying to make political connections. He laughed so much when he heard how Jumong tricked Deaso.

We left our hero, right after recruiting some fine anti Han militia, coming to the hideout and finding out that Daeso is going to attack his hideout combined with Iron Army of the Han. Naro was scouting the only entry to the hideout.

And I have started Daphne Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn. And I'm already very much into it after the first chapter.

Jumong XLI - XLIII & Bigamekibasuyake End

Jumong is still the prince of heart. The first three episodes of Volume 3 were once again captivating and full of intrigue, drama and love.

Sosuhno is pregnant - no one said so far but I have a suspicion that it is Jumong's child. Wootae does not really act like a proud father... And Sosuhno being pregnant makes me understand the decision to marry Wootae a bit better.

The eye bag chief Songyang is out to get Sosuhno but she uncovered the treason of her aunt and chose to forgive her this once for Yontabal's sake. Of course she never told of this to Yontabal.
I really like how the good guys in this show usually chose to forgive the bad deeds. At least how this is their first reaction.

Stupid Youngpo decided to kill Daeso (partnering with Dochi and his sidekick). Jumong found out about this but kept it a secret until they decided to dress assassins in uniforms of Keru soldiers. So Jumong saved Daeso from assasination in order to save Keru from blame (Sosuhno is still precious to him but he is also not one to forget kindness) Daeso killed Dochi and the side kick and was about to kill Youngpo but Queen prevented it. Youngpo was in prison with the threat of execution on his head but King asked Prime Minister to come up with a solution to save Youngpo. And Prime Minister told the Queen that she should suggest Daeso to send Youngpo as a hostage to Han.

Thus Jumong was saved from Han trip. But his mother insisted that he marry Yesoya (interestingly this is also what Daeso wanted but for different reasons). Jumong still loves Sosuhno and he might not have agreed but Sultak (the rebel who killed Yesoya's father) found Yesoya and wanted to take her back to her tribe as his wife. Jumong rescued her and saw that the best way to protect her would be to marry her. He talked to her and explained that he still have feelings for Sosuhno but will try to forget her now that she is married and they are not to be.

Evil Daeso gave the task of collecting and sending Josun migrants back to Han to be solved as slaves. Jumong accepted the task and did a very good job but the comrade trio were furious and decided to break their ties with Jumong since he is acting so much against his ideals. Mopalmo though trusted Jumong and thought that he may have a plan.
One of the trio Hyupbo went to Keru to see Sayong (the hermaphrodite strategist). These two have something going on, a tentative mutual attraction. This is intersting since Sayong dresses like a man - I really like Sayong. Have a strange liking for men in make up.

Of course Jumong has a plan. He wants to collect the migrants but not to take them to Han. He wants to rebuild Damul army and fulfil his father's mission. Daeso trusts him and he also wants to take his mother with him. But Yuhwa doesn't want to leave the King alone in the now hostile palace. So Jumong talked to the King asked him to give permission for Yuhwa to leave. But Yuhwa says that Jumong has Yesoya, friends and immigrants but the King has no one. The King replied that Jumong will not leave unless his mother comes with him. These two were crying and holding hands. It was kind of sad.

Of course evil Sullan suspects Jumong and I hope she will not ruin his plans. Deaso and Sullan are my least fave people along with the Queen.

I have finished Bigamekibasuyake and it got more interesting towards the end. She has lots of adventures.

I cannot decide on what to read next. Maybe Daphne Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jumong End of Volume 2 - Love and Longing in Bombay - End etc.

Jumong is currently the king of my viewing world.

Now at the end of Volume 2 we are at a strange place.

Jumong was wounded at war and dissappeared and everyone thought him dead (thinking that he'd come back if he was alive). But he was saved by another small tribe and then was imprisoned when there was a rebellion in the same tribe. Good thing Yeomiul and her helpers saw that he is alive and directed our trio to rescue him. Which they did but in his absence:-

Sosuhno married to Wootae to escape Daeso's threats.

King was seriously wounded during war but when he woke up and started to get better,

Daeso, back by Soochuldo army, took authority and started to act as King's representative. He is a tyrant and gives in to everything Hyonto Governor wants.

Sullan (Governor's daughter) married to Daeso and came to live in the palace. She is really evil and started to control Daeso.

Queen is as evil and as stupid as ever.

Yontabal and his troop got kicked out of Puyo by Daeso (who got crazy over the fact that Sosuhno got married).

Yontabal family's troubles continue in Keru since the stupid eye bag chief (who kidnapped Sosuhno earlier) made a heal with YangJung (Governor) and also got in good relations with Daeso by default (Daeso became his puppet) and now he forced Yontabal to resign as the chief of the tribes.

Yontabal announced that Sosuhno will be his successor but Yontabal's sister is upset since she wants her own son to be Chief. So she became friendly with the eye bags. Evil woman.

After all these evil people Youngpo started to seem sympathetic to me since he is evil but there is something good in his heart (he was the only one who was happy to see King recover).

So Jumong returned to this mess and got into the palace and now pretends to do whatever Daeso wants him to do. Now the Han emperor asked for a hostage (and what do you know, the hostage has to be a prince) and Daeso asked Jumong to go to Han as a hostage.
Daeso is really so very evil and also pathetic in his tyranny. More than one person laughed at his face when faced with his cruel actions since he is so obvious. Also one of the reasons he is so angry at the King and Jumong is that King loved Yuhwa instead of his mother. But he finds it perfectly OK to love Sosuhno and not Sullan.

Sosuhno, oh Sosuhno, I understand why you had to get married but couldn't you act as being ill or something while wating for Jumong? You could have gone in hiding. Watching her see Jumong again was very touching.

There is a new character called Yesoya who is the daughter of the chief of the tribe who found and saved Jumong. Then all her family was killed in the rebellion. She is very anti Han and kind of smitten with Jumong.

Who can blame her? Jumong is totally, utterly lovely. He is such a hero and a very kind, considerate person at heart. Also smart and a good fighter too. But he is not superman and cries over Sosuhno (she was better at keeping herself in check). And he is humble enough to ask everyone's opinions and actually listen to the advice given to him. I love him deeply but don't have a crush on him as I did to Guo Jing. Which brings me to how Jumong is similar to a Jin Yong novel. I think the writer has read JY which is a good thing.

Meanwhile I have finished Love and Longing in Bombay and it is once again very good. Vikram Chandra is one of my favorite writers.

A colleague gave me a non fiction book about written by woman who travelled South American continent on a bicycle. It is called Bigamekibasuyake and I'm halfway through but still have no idea what it means. The writer Hülya Koç is a good traveller perhaps but she is not a good writer. Thank God she has had many interesting things happen to her that to read this is entertaining. But I still don't have an urge to visit South America any time soon.

I have also watched

Heaven (2002) Directed by Tom Tykver, written by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz.
It started very good but the story took an uninteresting turn later on which did nothing for me. I love Cate Blanchett and the visuals were wonderful. But this was not good storytelling.

Recep İvedik 2 (2009) Directed by Togan Gökbakar, written by Serkan Altuniğne, Şahan Gökbakar and Togan Gökbakar.

This film is a sequel and every bit the box office champion the first one was. It will not do anything to a non Turk but I can understand its box office appeal.