Monday, November 6, 2017

Rise of The Legend

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Rise of The Legend I decided to watch this solely because it is a Chinese martial arts film. I didn't really know anything about it. Well it turned out to be one of the (many) beginning stories of Wong Fei Hung, a righteous hero who was a superb fighter. In this story he becomes friendly with a street orphan who his father cured back to life. And there are two girls they play with then one of them gets kidnapped and then his father dies in a fire trying to save the orphans and then Fei and his orphan friend Fiery decide to take revenge. Fei is acted by Eddie Peng who is really cute. I like him and his long chin :) The thing with this film is that it is great martial arts wise but not so good as story wise. If this was a Korean film I'd cry my eyes out but in this one I felt admiration (especially towards the martial art artists and coreographers) and since I like Asian men, eye candy materials but not melodrama.

I liked Once Upon A Time in China better since Jet Li is one of the rare species; a martial arts actor who can actually act and the melodrama there was more effective. I enjoyed watching this one too- just not as much. 

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