Sunday, November 12, 2017

Anna Karenina (film,2012)

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Anna Karenina has suffered through a lot of adaptation (many of which I have not watched). It is a novel very dear to my heart and surprisingly I loved this adaptation. The main reason probably is that I felt it is made for people who read the novel. It is made by set piece to set piece and includes Levin and Kitty's story as well. My favorite part of the novel is Levin's story and he is one of my most beloved fictional crushes. Here is he is acted by Mr. Domhnall Gleeson who is an actor I really like but looks very very British. I always imagined Levin having a dark beard. Anyhow his performance is perfect. Same goes for Alicia Vikander - I'm still on the verge whether to like her or not but she is a very good actress. Anna is acted by Keire Knightly. She is very good but I don't like her teeth. Seriously I know this is awful but at some scenes her teeth were a distraction. They overcrowd her mouth. Anyway the performance is very good same goes for Jude Law, he is excellent as the bad Alexei. My only problem with the casting is Aaron Taylor Johnson as Vronsky. He is a hansome man but the styling didn't work in his favour (Jude Law looked much better despite the balding head) and his performance was not as good as the rest of the cast.

Ok, I shed tears remembering the novel. However I don't think this will appeal to anyone who has not read Anna Karenina since the story telling is not really detailed and mainly visually aids to the novel.
The only part that kind of got to me was that in the film Anna's husband Karenin seems to be as a good guy but in the novel I really disliked him every time I read it.

This is only recommended if you have read and liked the novel and if so then this film is a must see in my opinion. 

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