Monday, November 6, 2017

Nocturnal Animals

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Nocturnal Animals I have been waiting to watch this film for a long time (nowadays I don't hunt the dvds and am a member of two viewing platforms so it is a gamble whether one of them will have the film I'm eager to watch or not). This time it is digiturk on tv had it and I was very happy to see that it was only censored by blurring the genitals and cigarettes (yeah I'm even grateful for the amount of censore - pathetic I know). Anyway I love, LOVE Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams and furthermore I loved the first film of the director Tom Ford (a fashion designer orginally). A Single Man was very aesthetic and inspired by Wong Kar Wai (my all time favorite director) and Colin Firth gave a stellar performance.This film is very different from the other one. And that is not so bad. I love the clean cut cinematography and this understood where the director is going aesthetically. I also got the feeling. The conflicts of the character acted (perfectly) by Amy Adams and the two characters (one the real guy and the other, his alter ego - I think- in the novel acted within the film) performed by Jake Gyllenhaal were very good. A different sort of acting which is probably what the director asked from him. The real life - flashback- scenes were the usual wonderful Jake Gyllenhall but the fiction scenes were over acted in a deliberate manner. I loved it. And the thematic beauty of the film is that I may be completely off base.

Highly recommended.


I also loved the ending. Amy Adams exceeded herself in those seconds. Waiting and waiting and slowly realising that he is not going to come and finally resigning to the fact that he is not coming. Tom Ford probably likes red headed ladies (Julianne Moore was in the first film) and he is lucky that these particular red heads are amazing actresses.

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