Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Zac and Miri Make a Porno

Photo credit: www.sinemia.com

Zac and Miri Make a Porno was a film I was curious about. Not because I was interested in porn (eewwww) but because I used to like Kevin Smith and wanted to check it out but it was never widely acclaimed or anything and now that I have seen it (the glimpses I got while dosing off at Ko Samui do not count) I know why. First off I didn't like the male character. Seth Rogen acts as Zac a selfish loser who wastes his money on ice skates when they have months of utility debts and gets his mate's hand warmer in a freezing car. Miri doesn't mind though and she seems to like Zac as a person (a mystery as far as I'm concerned). These two are friends from elementary school and live together as room mates and they are not lovers or anything. They are very very poor though working at menial jobs and Zac not caring about their debts. After Miri's granny pants (filmed by two teen losers at the coffee shop where Zac works) prove to be an internet sensation, Zac has the brilliant idea to make a porn film and sell it on line to their high school alumni and pay all their bills (they are at this point without water and power at home, freezing and they still have rent debts) Miri is sceptic but her weakness is Zac and she gives in (and we find out in this scene that these two are orphans and they don't have any relatives, I felt sorry for them in a different way this time, and kind of understood why Miri is enabling Zac). Anyway they decide on a Star Wars themed film called Star Whores. And while filming etc. they realise that they actually love each other but misunderstandings about who sleeps with whom separates them and Zac moves out (without informing anyone). Of course there is the happy ending in the end but I still felt sorry for Miri. 

Anyway I hope the title of this film does not cause misundertandings. Yes there is a porn in the film but it is not displayed as porn and we just see obviously fake breasts and some back nudit really. I think a woman someone takes it all off at the auditon scene but it is blink and you'll miss it. 

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