Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Harlequin

The Harlequin is among the novels I bought in LA (The Last Stand book store) and despite remembering Anita Blake fondly (I think I was totally hooked when I was in my early thirties or something) she seemed to be getting out of hand. Ok this lady is a necromance, human servant to a Master Vampire, has at least four types of lychanthropy inside her, she has her own animal to call and her own vampire servant. There should be a limit at some point I suppose but I was totally entertained by her love life and complications and they fact that her vampire lover, her werewold lover and herself and her animal to call and her vampire servant can only get power through sex. Despite sounding like an erotica it is not. She is powerful, independent and not rigid so that she doesn't know how to compromise but not clingy so she doesn't let go when she knows that the relationship is going bad. By compromise I mean that her one of her live in lovers wants her to dominate him and she is not really into that but at the end of the novel SPOILER she decides that she at least needs to learn and try  :) All in all this is not the type of novel to give serious thoughts but it is entertaining, I like its message and strong, capable heroine. This will not make back to following these series again but I'm glad that I got another one at the store. 

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