Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Well of Ascension

The Well of Ascension lost me at about half way through. SPOILERS

Right at the time that we realise the spy in the team is another kandra replacing their original one and then she kills Zane. The rest of the novel was kind of Vin surrendering to Elend's love (in a good way), two intelligent and intuitive people getting fooled by hogwash excuses (Vin and Elend leaving Luthadel upon the convincing (!) arguments of Sazed then Vin saving the day and then Vin ruining the day and at last Elend becoming a mistborn. Oh Straff was killed and Elend became and Emperor but now Vin unleashed the unnamed force that is probably an enemy. And Sazed realised that the words in the steel plate he rubbed onto paper were all changed. There is a new addition of a helpful Mist Spirit. Marsh turning into an enemy again and I think since Zane has one of those Inquisitor spikes on his body and the kandra refused to eat it, Zane will make a comeback in the third novel.

I was bored by this and now am giving myselft a break. I was not able to connect to it the way I connected to the first two Stormlight Archive novels (come to think of it I liked the first one better there too). 

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