Monday, March 21, 2016

A Second Chance (En Chance Til)

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A Second Chance I chose to watch because I like Scandinavian films/TV shows and novels. This one is not an exception. The story was very interesting. SPOILERS.

The protagonist is a cop who has a lovely wife and a baby. We see them happily living a nice life at a beautiful home. He has an older partner who has alchohol problems. One day they visit a house for a domestic dispute (probably because the male of the couple is a known drug user, dealer with criminal tendencies) and at the house they find that he is abusing his partner who is a prostitute and they also find a baby who was tucked in a closed covered in his own feces. The mother took a drug test and found clean. Our lead was not happy with the condition of the baby but there was nothing they could do. And one day the cop's wife wakes up at night to find their baby dead. He wakes to her cries and assesses the situation and wants to call an ambulance (despite the fact that it is clear the baby is dead) and his wife tells him that she'll kill herself if he calls an ambulance. So he thinks about it and in a state I can only name as temporary insanity goes to the drug dealers home and switches the babies leaving his dead baby in their bathroom where the live baby was. He brings the other baby and tells his wife that she can take care of the new baby. Meanwhile the drug dealer realises the baby is dead and goes ahead and disposes it also plans something elaborate which will not put any blame on either of them. She insists that the dead baby is not her baby but he doesn't listen and puts his scheme in action by claiming that his baby is kidnapped. The police is alerted and they are doing everything they can but our guy knows that the drug dealer is lying. And he questions them in such a way that it became obvious the baby is not kidnapped. The mother still claims that the dead baby was not her baby and she is put at a psychiatric institution. Meanwhile the cop is suffering from guilt because the mother is suffering from not knowing what happens to the baby. And his wife commits suicide (leaving the changed baby to a truck driver. Then they question the drug dealer and he vaguely remembers burying the baby in a gym bag at some forest. The polices searches the area with dogs and finds the baby. After the autopsy it is found out that the baby of the cop died because it was shaken excessively. His wife actually killed their baby and that is probably why she never wanted an ambulance and that is why she committed suicide. Anyway the just takes the changed baby and goes to a summer cottage spending time with the cutest little baby of the drug dealer. His alchie friend finally finds out what happened (while looking at the photos in his iphone) and goes to the summer cottage and fetches the cop and the stolen baby. The cop asks to give the baby to the mother himself and they grant this wish. The mother immediately recognises her baby and holds it tenderly. The cop is fired but not put into jail. And years later he actually comes across to the mother and child at a furniture store (Ikea?) and he works there and the mother and son are customers. It seems that the mother put her life in order and the baby grew up to be a smart, kind hearted child.

I liked this one a lot but it probably is not for everyone. 

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