Tuesday, April 27, 2010

IRIS Episodes I-II-III

Yesterday my IRIS shipment arrived and of course I started to watch last night and I'm loving it. Lee Byung Hun is a fave actor of mine (despite the eating style kissing and obvious lipstick) and he is so good here. The other male lead is the one in My Boss My Hero and I like him too (but I suspect he will turn into a bad guy) The leading lady is Kim Tae Hee and what do you know? I like her too.

The firs three episodes kind of breezed by with good introductions to the characters and their interactions. We get the cute vacation scenes (which were so cute and loving) and the actions scenes. There is the mystery cool assasin after the IRIS list and the dubious boss. Lost nuclear technology and a President who is very interested in it.

It is a bit 24 meets Alias but better than both of them (not that I have watched 24, never really interested in it and Alias turned boring after UST between the leads was over) there is amnesia, our lead doesn't really remember anything that happened before he was 7 (but memories start to come back).
In the introduction we get to see the hero completing a mission (all of these guys are secret agents btw) only to get wounded and when he requested help to get out, was refused by the boss (that's why I thought he was dubious right from the start).
At the end of Episode 3 we found out that hero's past is kept secret on purpose (the priest in the orphanage talked to some unknown people that he came and asked). Hero and heroine had sex and are head over heels in love. The secondary guy (potential baddie) loves the girl but was not able to say anything since both of them (separately) assured him that they love eachother.
They are now in Prague to assess and protect (she is a profiler apart being a field agent when she chooses to) a North Korean nuclear scientist (oh yeah) who wanted asylum in South Korea. President ordered them to receive him after the assessment of his motives. And they delivered him to S.Korean agents but he and our hero had a little chat in the church and he gave the hero a necklace with a cross as pendant. I suspect the IRIS list - we are not told anything about this list yet, other than the name - is in it since when the mysterious cool assassin killed all these nameless agents and asked where the list is, nuclear scientist feined ignorance before the died.

I love the romance scenes and how real they look. The kisses are so natural the chemistry so warm and sexy. Wow, this show had great ratings and I agree with the Korean population. So far it rocks!

Meanwhile I'm still reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and liking it better and better. Anne B has a sly style which makes gentle fun of the protagonist (who is currently falling for the eponymous tenant) without being mean towards him. And I love reading about English at Victorian times.

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