Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Southern Spirits

 Southern Spirits is surprisingly decent with a tidy mystery, fierce female lead and lots of erotica with a focus on female oral pleasure and enough variety that nothing seems repetitive. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Modern Family

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Modern Family  despite its flaws I was entertained with and liked this show. 

The Force

 The Force is good but not as good as The Power of The Dog. I kind of enjoyed it but the main character was put into such situations that made me uncomfortable. The reader is very good though. Amazing voice and matching performance, worth getting it on audio. 

Monday, September 28, 2020



Smokescreen turned out to be just as good Nerve. I love this author's clean prose and his sensible main characters. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Against All Odds


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Against All Odds  well this is kind of a wasted effort. It could have been a lot better if it focused on romance (the Mexican scenes were the best) rather than the odd thriller/action parts. In the end Jeff Bridges is very hot but there is no chemistry between the leads and everything is uneven. 

Flesh And The Devil

 Flesh And The Devil did not work for me on any level. It is more of a supernatural thriller than erotica I suppose (there are erotic scenes but not enough to qualify). I actually fell asleep towards the end. I have read three novels by this author so far and liked Sins of the Flesh best. 

Enola Holmes


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Enola Holmes  turned out to be a pretty entertaining teen film. Henry Cavill is slowly winning me over (mostly by being a dork in real life)  but I can't understand how Sam Claflin is always getting the evil parts. He is a good actor. 

Devil's Pact

 Devil's Pact  well the cover pretty much says it all. But this erotic novel is strangely homophobic and it bothered me. 

Maleficient: Mistress of Evil

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Maleficient: Mistress of Evil   well I did not expect to like it but it was entertaining (and yes, I shed some tears) I like Michelle Pfeiffer a lot and she was very good in this. I didn't even know she starred in it. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020



Radiance turned to be alright. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Breathe: Into The Shadows


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Breathe: Into The Shadows turned out to be entertaining. I actually like Abhishek Bachchan, knowing he is not that good an actor. He does good here though similar to the rest of the cast. The plot is interesting and I recommend if you like thrillers. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Last House on The Left (2009)


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The Last House on The Left (2009) is good. I liked it just as well this second time. I want to watch Wes Craven version too. 

Project Power


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Project Power  sadly this is not a good film. The actors are good and the idea is good but the film itself does not work. 

The Trouble With Peace


The Trouble With Peace   this one worked for me in all levels. It is simply a perfect novel from which I would not change a single thing. And as of now it is my favorite second novel of a trilogy. The audiobook is simply a delight. I have finished this yesterday at about 03:30 a:m and I was not able to pick another book up and currently suffering from withdrawal syndrome.

Being by The Blade Itself and see whether it worked for you. But keep in mind that this may just be the best novel in the series. 



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Mardaani is not so good but as a woman I enjoyed watching a female character who overcomes the baddies not only with her wits but also with her martial prowess. I love Rani Mukherji, she may not be a person I'd like in real life but on screen I enjoy watching her a lot and love her voice too. So this one worked for me. 

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani


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Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani  well it was an entertaining, a bit silly film. The problem is I don't like Ranbir Kapoor. I can 't  understand the appeal and whatever charm there is, completely escapes me.  Deepika Padukone on the other hand was really good in this one. 

House of 1000 Corpses

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House of 1000 Corpses  it is an interesting horror film. I liked it. It was at least different, although a few times not in a good way. 

The Devil All The Time


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The Devil All The Time   I liked this one. The cast and the cinematography was very good and the story interested me. Among the actors I liked Bill Skarsgard the best. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Case Histories

Case Histories is expectedly delightful and I enjoyed it very very much. Highly recommend not only for the lovers of the genre but for lovers of literature in general. Ms. Atkinson is a wonderful writer. The audiobook was also very good with a perfect performance by Ms. Susan Jameson. 



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Elite   I was not expecting to like this but I did, very very much. I also had a crush on Guzman (hence the photo in which there are only four of the main cast. This one was written, acted and directed very well. And I can understand now why it was very popular. 

Lord of The Darkwood and The Tengu's Game of Go

 Lord of the Darkwood and The Tengu's Game of Go  well the novels were wonderful but I have realised while reading that my copy of Lord of The Darwood included The Tengu's Game of Go which means that the other novel was an unnecessary purchase. Other than that the novel(s) are amazing and I enjoyed them very much.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Autumn Princess, Dragon Child (Book Two of The Tale of Shikanoko)


Autumn Princess, Dragon Child is the second novel of The Tale of Shikanoko. And it is very good. In fact I have started the third novel right after. 

I have read the first novel more than a year ago but the story flooded back after a few pages. And I enjoyed this very much. It is written by someone who is not from Japan but obviously loves the very old Japanese tales. And the merging of Occident and Orient worked well (for me).

You need to read the first novel before starting this one. 

Persona (S. Korean Mini Series not the Bergman film)


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Persona   turned out to be not so good but I love the lead actress, acting different characters in 4 short episodes of different stories and enjoyed it because of her. My favorite episode was called The Collector and least favorite was Love Set. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Babysitter: Killer Queen


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The Babysitter: Killer Queen is entertaining and worked as a lift me up. I actually even smiled during. 

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Caliphate is a tight, suspenseful, well acted series that I watched with bated breath. I actually cried in the end (despite it not being that sort of show) Highly recommended. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pir-i Lezzet


Pir-i Lezzet çok güzel bir kitaptı. Hikayenin sade anlatımı beni benden aldı ve iki seferde hüp diye bitiriverdim. Genelde herkese ancak fantastik kurgu ve eski dönem tarih kurgu sevenlere özellikle tavsiye ederim. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Repo Men


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Repo Men I have heard about this one for years but never was very eager to watch and since it was on Netflix I gave it a try and I'm very happy that I did. Firstly I think the director is very much inspired by Old Boy and it is the sort of inspiration that is more a respectful nod, rather than a blatant rip off. I like Jude Law. He is good looking (though not my type) and a fine actor. Forrest Whitaker is also great in this one. Recommended. 

The Library At Mount Char

 The Library At Mount Char   is a mixed bag but mostly filled with things I liked. It is good writing and I had a good time with it. But a bit hesitant to recommend to everyone. If you like horror, urban fantasy with a tiny dash of scifi then go for it. And if you decide to give it a try then definitely get the audio version. Amazing reading performance. 

Shadowhunters (TV show)


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Shadowhunters oh how I love an unexpected guilty pleasure. I have read the first novel in the trilogy this show is adapted from. And left it at one book (it was kind of interesting but I didn't like the writing style) and watched the horrible film adaptation (that one is really bad, stay away).  This show came into my radar from some random mention at a buzzfeed list. I decided to check it out for shallow reasons (all the cast it hot). And I have found that despite all the failings, it is better than the novel. And it got better with each season and I was hooked. Even stayed late to finish it. There are a lot of hook ups and relationships but my favorite OTP is the one pictured. I'm not usually hot for m/m and there is only one other couple I like (The Untamed, one of the best shows I have watched) and this is the second one. I believed this couple and their trials and tribulations. And was very happy for them in the end. In fact this one has a very satisfying ending for all parties involved. Great job. 



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Burning  yep I have finally purchased it from Apple TV. I just love the film and the lead actor (who is in 90% of the scenes) And it was cheap and this is a film that rewards multiple viewings. I wish there were more S. Korean films on sale or available for rent. 

Last Time I Lied

 Last Time I Lied  this novel turned out to be one of the ones I can't feel for. The situations and the characters were all just meh. It kind of peaked at one of the few scenes but the rest was flat and not for me. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020



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#Alive   what a pleasant surprise from Netflix. I did not know this film was going to be on my screen and I wanted to watch it very much. In the end it is a so so film, especially if you do not care for the lead actor. However I love him. He is one of my favorite actors and I find him very very visually appealing too. So I had a great time (and zombie films are not really a sub genre that I like). So only recommended if you like the lead actor or the genre. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Pride and Prejudice (2005 Film)


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Pride And Prejudice  well in this third viewing, I have decided that this is a good film but not a very good adaptation. 

Goddess of The Hunt

Goddess of The Hunt  ok, I should not have liked this novel. It is normally a type I stay away from (the conflict does not make sense, the start of the romance does not make sense, the traumas of the hero do not make sense) but I liked it very much. I like the humour, the heroine and there is something in Ms. Dare's writing that makes me like the characters very much and root for them. So I guess this will depend on whether that "something" will appeal to you or not. If so then you are in for a good time. 

The intimate scenes were ok but kind of repetitive. 

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Law of Lines


The Law of Lines is a slow burner and very depressing at times. It is well written and constructed. Recommended if you have a hankering for that kind of read. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Darkness, Take My Hand   well, darkness indeed. It may not be the best among Mr. Lehane's bibliography but it is still a lot better than many others out there. 

This author is a safe bet for me, I like all his novels, some more some less but all of them are good reading. 

Note: I have read A Drink Before War early on as a separate paperback. 

The Emperor's Blades


The Emperor's Blades is very entertaining and surprisingly engaging. It was not a 'drop everything and just listen' type of novel but it is one that made me perform chores slower to keep listening. I plan on getting the second novel. The reader's performance was also very good so I will recommend the audiobook if you can't decide on the format. 

The Perfect Match


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The Perfect Match  I was in mood for a romantic film that would not truly engage but simply entertain. This one ended up being a good choice for that. 

King Arthur

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King Arthur   well I liked it much better this second time for some reason. 

The World Of The Married


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The World Of The Married   I was so eager to watch this one since it was a ratings monster when aired in S. Korea. And it was good (not as good as Sky Castle imho but still very good). Thank God I was able to watch it.