Monday, October 26, 2015

The Good Lie

The Good Lie This is one of the stories of refugees from Sudan that were relocated to USA. It starts with them as kids, forced to run away from their villiage from the soldiers who killed their parents. They travelled km after km to find a safe place with casualties along the way. The eldest brother gives himself up to the soliders to save his younger siblings. The rest go on and finally go to a refugee camp. They are at least safe there but life doesn't get much better. And finally they are relocated to USA. Their sister however is relocated at another city and they try to reunite.

I shed many tears during this viewing. The actors were all good and despite the religious and nationalist undertones at least the film might give some awareness to the plight of refugees.

Also I have decided to take a photo of the screen instead of finding a photo on line. The qualtiy is not as good but this serves better to my recording purposes. 

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