Monday, February 10, 2014

Open Water

Open Water is not really a very good film but it served all my kinks since I actually was in a shark cage watching those very sharks (Galapagos type, if I'm not mistaken) and was frozen with fear. I was not aware that those would freak me out so much so that I hung on the far away corner with my limbs curled up and couldn't even move to the other end to get out. And worst thing was that sharks, like cats seem to gather around the one person who was not eager to see them. I closed my eyes and all but seriously, it was a very very scary experience, one I wouldn't want to repeat again.

So in this film two divers are left out by mistake in the ocean and nobody even realises that they are gone until the next morning.


Of course the film ended in the logical way with the two unfortunates eaten by sharks but I hoped at least one would make it you know.

Anyway I don't think this would mean much to someone who is not afraid of sharks but it got me pretty freaked out. 

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