Monday, February 17, 2014

Dong Yi

Dong Yi  Finally it is over and after 60 episodes, this is probably going to be labelled as "guilty pleasure" in my review files. The only good thing about this show is the acting. But then again I love almost all the cast so I may be a bit biased here. The baddies especially show two types of acting, main villain "less is more" and her brother secondary villain as "the more the better". Other than the acting (and maybe the costumes) there is nothing good about it. The story (a well known one in Korean history) is told as if to a five year old. The conversations are extremely simplistic and the plot(s) become sillier as they near the end. The flashbacks in the large majority of the episodes show things that only happened 10 seconds ago. 
The comic side characters are not funny (well I have found them hillarious) the jokes are bad bad bad (yeah I had to type it three times) everything in it thought the viewer is a child who has not seen any sageuk before. 
Now I like the genre and as mentioned about I like the actors and I thought the naive but kind hearted messages hammered through our heads especially in the last 10 episodes are good ones. 
But save yourself the agony and stay away from this. I enjoyed it and shed tears over it but it didn't really deserve any of it. 
I'm so happy that I got this legal copy very cheap on e-bay, thank God. 

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