Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Off Season

Off Season was a novel I was after for a long time. I have seen the film The Woman (and liked it a lot) and apparently it is a sequel/spin off of sorts to this novel (they made a film out of this one too but the reviews were really bad).

I can't really explain why fiction macabre appeals to me so much. But I like it when it is good and this one is. It is not on par with Richard Laymon (the master of macabre RIP) however it does have certain charm (I wonder whether this is the right word - heh) and I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the kick ass female characters too.

But ultimately this didn't have impact of the Laymon novels on me. After the first book I read, I wanted to read more right away. Mr.Ketchum's Red seems interesting (a different subject matter from this one) and I'll purchase it without hesitation if it comes my way but I wouldn't desperately seek it out.


Loved the end of the novel, I felt sorry for Nick and the boy in the cage but it felt organic and just like something that can actually happen. This one is a director's cut of a book version so in the afterword by the authour I have found out that Nick lives in the edited first edition. Seriously. He mentions some other cuts made to tone down the violence a bit (and this is kind of stupid since why would you want to publish a macabre book and try to cut the violence and gore?) but saving Nick is just plain interference with creativity. Anyway I'm glad that I have read this version.

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