Monday, November 26, 2012

Boys Over Flowers Eps.11-12-13

Yes, I'm over the shiny, new "I have to watch as much as I can" phase of Boys Over Flowers but interestingly I want to keep watching at a moderate pace. And this has nothing to do with the fact that I have paid for it. I actually like the silliness and seriously bad screenwriting for some reason. It can't be Lee Min Ho since I don't think he is particulary good (at least not good enough to save a show just by himself) or particularly hot but I think I like this character. I loved it acted by Jerry Yan and I don't really care for that actor either. Well now they are all in Macau which is a place I have been to and they are now at V which resembles The Venetian in Las Vegas so I'm having a good time despite less Gu Jun Pyo.

The Understudy is really good. Not as good as One Day but close. 

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