Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good Luck - End, God, Please Give Me More Time Episodes I-II, Girlfriday

It turned out that I liked Good Luck enough to marathon the last three episodes, it being Ramadan and the fact that I had to go to work the next day didn't help the matters but I was so sorry for poor Hajime and wanted him to fly again and I also wanted Captain Kouda and nice flight attendant lady to reunite. Thank God, Good Luck didn't dissapoint me in either matter but it still is my least fave Asian drama.

Now I started watching God, Please Give More Time (GPGMMT) and Takeshi Kaneshiro is a gift to women from God I guess since he is so perfect. I can look at him all the time and still find him extremely beautiful but also approachable. And to top it off, he is a good actor.
Now apart from Takeshi Kaneshiro I like the first two episodes of the show. The female lead looks realistic and the story is very touching and believable so far. I'm sure we'll enter the land of "only in TV" soon but so far, it feels fairly realistic.

Girlfriday is yet another chick lit and I'll just give up on Jane Green after this one. Jemima J was the only book of hers I liked.

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