Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brilliant Legacy Episodes IV - V- VI

Ok last night I was at my most indulgent self. Not only I started watching 2.5 episodes after midnight, but also I have eaten a huge plate of apple crumble with vanilla, hazelnut, raspberry and black mulberry ice cream. And I'm not even kidding. It is a miracle I'm so skinny :)

Anyway the episodes are getting better and better. I love a baddie I can dislike without feeling sorry for them and the evil stepmom is a good baddie indeed. I can't wait to see how the lies she is telling left and right blow up in her face. The step sister is one of those annoying baddies, she doesn't want to do bad stuff but goes with it when someone else does the dirty work - also doesn't forget to lecture them on how evil they are - but does she change her behaviour? Nope. She keeps doing bad things (now it is because she loves Hwan and thinks that he'll marry her).

Hwan obviously is not a baddie. He is one of those bratty kids with a trauma in the past (Hwan's dad died in front of his eyes) and he is insuffarable in the initial episodes but will be reformed by circumstances and the love of our adorable heroine.

Ok one of my most favorite character types in a S.Korean TV drama is the "angel". This character is good to the last breath. She is forgiving, helpful, thoughtful and always always simply 'good'. And Eun-Su is like that. She is also a strong woman who doesn't back down from a confrontation. And even though people may think me stupid for applauding her promise to hide from Hwan the horrible truth (evil stepmom and sis threw them out right after her father's funeral, they didn't even let her know about the insurance money - to be fair, I don't think evil sis know about it either-.

Anyway I decided to give this a break solely for the reason that I have to rest! But really eager to watch the rest.

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