Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brilliant Legacy, 22 Episodes Later

I love this drama so much! Dvd has four episodes (instead of the usual three) last night and I stayed up probably later than 03:00 a:m and come to the office before 08:30 but I just couldn't leave it at the end of Episode 21, not when Hwan told Eun Seung that he likes her, that he wants her and when he kissed her.
I really like Eun Seung a lot. She is brave, smart and most importantly a good person. Her stepsis really put her into a very bad situation, lying outright just because she wanted to get Hwan for herself. And no matter what she does, Hwan loves Eun Seung, even after he has heard all the outrageous lies and they way they presented her as the worst kind of con artist. He believes in her but doesn't want to think her evil stepsis is a liar either. So he wants to believe that there is a misunderstanding.

And evil stepmom figured out that she cannot get rid of Eun Seung through lies and deception, so she now joined forces with Tae Soo's dad - she wants her daughter to marry Hwan and that Hwan will keep his shares. She promised to help Tae Soo's dad to make the company into what he likes (he wants to grow but since this will affect quality and will not be in line with Halmonim's ideals, he wasn't given permission to do it now).

These people are so evil. Poor Eun Seung doesn't even know that her father is alive. Stepmom and stepsis are try to keep them apart. And Hwan has found Eun Woo but he doesn't know Eun Woo's real identity (his bar owner friend wants to make a profit with Eun Woo's piano skills and tells everyone that Eun Woo is his cousin). Just when Hwan was about to introduce him to Eun Seung, there was a call from his Mom. Halmonim has been taken to hospital. Poor woman, I think she has Alzheimers.

I just hope that the OTP will reach a happy ending.

But today I need to sleep and not watch any other episodes. Seriously I must stop the madness. I can do it, I can stay away for one night (in fact I have to since I need to come to work tomorrow)

Meanwhile Beautiful People is entertaining but nothing special.

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