Monday, June 28, 2010

Antichrist, Election, Brilliant Legacy up to Episode 12, Third Girl - End, Beautiful Poeple

Antichrist (2009) Directed and written by Lars Von Trier.
This is a very disturbing film but undeniably a good one. I wouldn't want to watch it again though.

Election (1999) Directed by Alexander Payne, written by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor, adapted from a book written by Tom Perrotta.
This second viewing made me appreciate the film even more, Matthew Broderick (an actor I don't particularly care for) and Reese Witherspoon (an actor I like a lot) were so good. I love the story and the script too.

Brilliant Legacy is going so good that I marathoned 6 episodes Saturday night. I don't really want to marathon but everytime I somehow end up doing so. The rest of the episodes will continue on a 3 a night basis insaallah. The drama is very very good. I love the lead characters and the romance dynamics. It is funny where it should be and melodramatic where it should be. The baddies are both scary and believable. I love this drama.

I have started Beautiful People by Wendy Holden, while she is not a writer I would seek, when I somehow got hold of her books (this one came from the library at work) I find that I enjoy reading them.

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