Monday, September 30, 2019

A Little Hatred

A Little Hatred is the rare beast that perfectly met my high expectations. I loved it and highly recommend but do yourself a favour and start with The Blade Itself first, it is not a must but will definitely enhance your reading pleasure. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Terrace House: Boys And Girls In The City


Terrace House: Boys And Girls In The City turned out to be addictive I almost inhaled the last 20 episodes putting everything else on hold. Big Brother with a Japanese flavour suited very well with my tastes. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019



Troy turned out to be less entertaining than I remembered. It was too long. And the way it ended did not reallywork for me. Especially after I so much enjoyed The Song of Achilles (novel)

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Ballad of Black Tom

The Ballad of Black Tom ended up being very interesting and made me happy that I have purchased The Changeling by the same author. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Avengers: Endgame


Avengers: Endgame turned out to be a long fitting ending to a large large story. I enjoyed it. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Captain Marvel


Captain Marvel  well I gave in to the urge and decided to finish the Marvel saga. First I needed to watch Captain Marvel and it ended up being a better film than I expected. I can not get into Brie Larson for any particular reason but she was very good in this.

Sunday, September 22, 2019



Sicario   well this must be the weekend on which I like films much better on second viewing. This one was fantastic. Each scene very effective, not only the cast but also the visuals. I love it. 

Captain America: Civil War


Captain America: Civil War  well I started watching this right after Age of Ultron and I liked it so much that I wanted to continue by watching Black Panther and Infinity War however they were not available for rent and I didn't like them that much to buy so...

Avengers: Age of Ultron


Avengers: Age of Ultron I liked it better in this second viewing.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


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Unbelievable  this one turned out to be so very good. Shed loads of tears especially in the last episode and loved all the three main characters. I especially loved how natural Toni Colette looks, people age and it is normal. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

What Happens in Vegas


What Happens in Vegas it was a mistake to rewatch this one.

The Institute

The Institute is very good and the reader was very good too. I didn't like the choice made to voice a section in which the characters thoughts are told in third person but I understand why they might think it is a good idea and my objection is just a matter of taste. I still miss his earlier, savage work, but these are better than many other things out there. 

Seinfeld (All Seasons)


Seinfeld is a classic and it is still good even after all these years. I don't like Kramer character (never did) so despite being an integral part of the show I chose a photo in which he is absent. 

Carnival Row (Season I)

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Carnival Row turned out to be to my taste after all. I gave it a chance because I like fantasy and Orlando Bloom and was rewarded after the first two episodes. It obviously is not for everyone's taste but it worked for me, especially the 6th episode.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hotel Vendome

Hotel Vendome  meh

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Favourite


The Favourite turned out to be as good as everyone says it is. I loved it and think it one of the best of the director and all three actresses did a fantastic job.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hedefim Sensin


Hedefim Sensin  ne bileyim beni hiç sarmadı. Eyvah Eyvah ve Eyvah Eyvah  2'yi beğenip birden fazla kez izledim ama bu film olmamış. 

All About My Mother


All About My Mother is still good, even better. I love this film. 

Friday, September 13, 2019



Shoplifters is another great film from Koreeda. I expected to love it and I did. I also appreciated that the film did not sugar coat any adverse behaviour just as it did not shy away from the positive ones. Simply wonderful. Money and time well spent. 

Macbeth (Hogarth Project)

Macbeth by Jo Nesbo is the first novel I have read from Hogarth project of Shakespeare adaptations. And it was not very good I'm afraid.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The In Crowd

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The In Crowd turned out to be a lifetime movie. I fell asleep then had to rewind. But it was interesting as regards to millenium fashions. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

My Golden Life

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My Golden Life ok this was not my choice of drama simply because of the male romantic lead who actually drugged and raped a woman.  But in the interest of trying to find out whether I can separate life from art, I gave it a try and despite him being a major ick, the drama itself is very good and perfectly suited to my taste. In fact I practically inhaled all the 52 episodes. I just wish they did not cast him. In fact his was not the lead role but the romantic one. The female lead on the other hand totally won me over. She is an excellent cries.

I liked best on how people act mainly rationally and when they didn't (that part was totally makjang which I love) they explained their actions later on in a logical manner. 


Bluff turned out to be very entertaining and easy read. Especially good for airports/flights etc. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Holy Sister

Holy Sister is a good end to the trilogy and I liked the whole thing a lot. The ending was good and the messages all suited me just fine. And I loved how our long suffering heroine has made the best decisions and finally found happiness with her true love. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cebimdeki Yabancı

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Cebimdeki Yabancı öylesine başladım ama sardı ve güzel ilerledi, bazı kusurları olsa da genel anlamda beğendim. Buğra Gülsoy'a karşı anlaşılmaz bir zaafım var.