Monday, January 21, 2019

Eega (Watched as Makhi)

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Eega (I watched this as Makhi) this one is apparently a Telugu film but the Netflix copy I watched was dubbed in Indian. I have heard about this but never felt in the mood. I decided to give it a try and as usual in Indian films (south or Bollywood doesn't matter) I was sucked into it right away. This film was unusual in that the lead character is the villain of the piece. The other two leads are our protagonists but the villain carries the heavy load of both acting and plot. This villain kills our main protagonist because he is likes and liked by the girl the villain is into. But lo and behold, the guy is reborn as a fly. And he decides to protect the girl he loves from the despicable villain. It is amazing that both villain and the love interest easily accept the reborn part and I loved the fact that she still loves hanging out with the guy in a fly disguised. The parts were the fly works out to become stronger were intentionally hillarious. And he manages to disrupt the villain's life and carry out his threads. It is a hillarious film with decent computer graphics. 

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