Monday, January 14, 2019

Moon Embracing The Sun

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Moon Embracing The Sun well as I have finished the contemporary She Was Pretty and enjoyed it a lot, I felt ready for this AU Sageuk everyone loved back then. Well I was not really that eager to watch it since I don't particuarly care for the cast but I love old Korean costumes and more importantly melodrama so I started this one. The childhood sections were kind of alright but it got sillier and sillier towards the end. Yeah I grumble about it but I have finished the 2 episodes and cried a lot, especially during the final episode. Man that Kim Soo Hyun is not my type but the man can cry. I have seen three different teardrops falling from one eye. And despite not really a fan, I like Han Ga In ever since Architecture 101, I love that film and watched more than once. She has a calm, unhurried air around her I like a lot to watch (maybe because I'm a fusser who has to do everything right now). I don't even want to list all the ridiculousness, seriously, this would have been a guilty pleasure but I don't feel guilty, I just feel irritated. 

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