Monday, February 13, 2017

Itazura Na Kiss

Itazura Na Kiss is the last Japanese adaptation of the famous manga. Apparently this story touched many hearts but I have stayed away from all since a dumb but happy go lucky girl to be in love with the smart but socially incompetent boy for years and finally getting him didn't appeal to me. And none of the adaptations actually starred any of the actors I liked so I didn't bother.

This one was on Netflix and I remember it got such a good buzz on the internet so I decided to give the firs episode a try.

And yeah I was hooked right there and then. Sure Kotoko is not very smart but she is very sweet and kind and not really seeking dependence. Naoki is smart and aloof but he is one of those people who can't really open up. And the two actors were so adorable.

Actually this is one of the few shows that managed to get laughs out loud from me. Every episose Kotoko's facial expressions, her disguises and her plans to gain the heart of Naoki are so funny. I also laughed a lot at Sudo San.

Of course it kind of got sad at the two episodes before the final but it ended as cute and fluffy as it was for so long and it ended with a smile.

I actually savoured this instead of bingeing since I wanted to get a laugh each day. Highly recommended if you don't mind silliness, fluff and illogical stuff happening. 

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