Thursday, February 9, 2017


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Nightcrawler is a film I wanted to watch for some time. And not just because my current obsession is Jake Gyllenhaal. The odd thing is that I have not seen Mr. Gyllenhaal give a bad performance yet. And this one was simply superb. The film itself is one of those I don't like. And not related to visuals which were to my taste but the subject matter. It is a critique of today's society's reactions to media feeds. And the main character (acted so wonderfully by Mr. Gyllenhaal) is a sociopath with limited social skills whose next try in success (after thieving) brings him to news filming. Right after his first filming he managed to find a news manager who wants more gore to get the ratings higher and Louis Bloom supplies plenty. I don't like villains and I like to see them get their just desserts but in this case I was severely dissappointed.

The film is a good one though. 

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