Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Great Escape

Photo credit: siblingcinema.com

The Great Escape was a surprise because I didn't fall asleep (I did a little bit but not for long). And I have found myself getting interested as the film progressed. I was rooting for all of the guys and wanted them to escape. And felt horrible when most of them didn't make it. And Steve McQueen has wonderful on screen presence. He seems to be one of the lucky human beings, all men want to be him and all the women want him. All in all this film is considered a classic for a reason. And I also love the way the old films progress. There is no rush, no urging, one needs to be patient and everything will slowly unfold but also escalating towards the end. Only Tarantino I think values this nowadays. Anyway I like it and was happy. 

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