Friday, May 6, 2016

The French Connection

The French Connection  I have found this dvd at the bargain shelf and decided to give it a try. I have come to appreciate Gene Hackman after disliking him for long (for no obvious reason apparently). Anyway Roy Schneider was also in the film and I love that guy. All in all I didn't expect to like it so much. There is a sense of patience in the film. Today most action films are go go go go one sequence after another in quick succession over without one realising what is going on. This film has slow action sequences (mostly chases, on foot or in a car or in subway) and not only you are able to view everything but one has a chance to establish a certain emphaty since one has time to do that. A lot of people walk and walk and walk. People stand on the streets in the cold and wait in the cars at night without any talk among them. It was an interesting experience and I liked it very much. 

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