Monday, May 9, 2016


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JeruZalem is a film I had come across the trailer of and didn't even want to click on it. But when it was right in front of me on Dvdigi I clicked on it and in about 8 minutes in I realised that this is one of those "found footage" films. I stopped watching but the next day I returned back since there was not any other interesting thing on. I'm glad since I surprisingly enjoyed it very very much. The found footage is recorded this time by one of those glasses that can connect the internet and do everything a smart phone does. It was put into good use. Two Jewish friends go to Israel for a relaxing vacation and unluckily enough fall into a resurrection of different creatures. I liked how the Israeli Jewish directors were not really biased since there were Muslim and Christian characters in the film and they were all treated aqually. It kind of showed that your humanity is not based on your religion. Or is it? And if so in what why? How would you behave when your world is falling apart and people you hang out with and/or love can be a danger to you and themselves? All in all I'm glad I watched this one and I recommend even if you don't care for found footage. The special effects were not really that good but not that bad either. 

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