Monday, July 27, 2015

Great Teacher Onizuka (1998)

Great Teacher Onizuka was a drama I have always wanted to watch. All my online friends loved it and constantly talked about it at the time. Well I have finally given in and started watching dramas on youtube. The ones for which there are not dvds that is. On line viewing is not something I could ignore any longer.

This is one of those lovely Japanese dramas which makes you laugh, cry and generally feel good about being a human.
I also happen to love Nanako Matsushima who is the female lead. And she was great in this one.

The story is how an ex gang member karate black belt guy who barely passed his teaching exams becomes a homeroom teacher to a troubled class of psycos and turn them into human beings while battling with embittered/ambitious co workers, stupid parents etc. Each of the twelve episodes was a gem. I love how full of love and hope and trust Onizuka sensei (or Onichi as called by his students) has and how forgiving he is. It is not possible not to fall in love with him and I did.

This is as good as it gets and it deserves all the love.

Great Teacher Onizuka youtube link

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