Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Frontier(s) was not scary when I saw it. It was nicely filmed and at least it was not a found footage horror. I like clean cinematography and this film has it.

The story is interesting too. Our protagonists rob a place taking advantage of riots caused by election in France (it looks like a right wing party is going to be in charge). One of them got fatally wounded however and they take two cars, one party with two dudes and the other two ex lovers. The dudes find a B&B type of place at the border (frontier). There are two hot women at the reception one agressive the other a bit passive and sulky. And one bulky man cheering them on to have sex in the room. Of course we know that it is a bad decision to even stay here but the men are men and at least one of them goes into it willingly (the other is reluctant but eventually succumbs).

The ex lovers are headed to the same place. She is pregnant and SPOILER, she is the final girl. They too have been attacked by these crazies (here we are introduced to two more, a heavily pregnant girl and a large over weight man who seems very crazy but turned out to be a guy with at least some small mercy in him (he is still a killer but at least he doesn't seem to enjoy torture).

Well the owners of the establishment are a bunch of Nazis ruled by the family patriarch who is insane and wants his precious son to breed with our final girl. But when they realise that our girl is already pregnant they are overjoyed. She will give birth and they will raise the child in their sick ways and she can continue to breed.

Anyway in the end she escapes this hell hole killing everyone but the heavily pregnant chick and her freaky children (whom we do not really get to see clearly, only glimpses here and there)

All in all I was in the mood for horror and it satisfied the mood. To my surprise I actually had a nightmare the night after and got scared. Apparently fascism is truly scary. 

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