Friday, May 15, 2015

Two Days One Night

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Two Days One Night is the second Dardennes bothers film I have watched and I loved it. And as an added bonus of high value, I have come to appreciate Marion Cottilard as much as the rest of the world (I didn't care for La Mome - although I love Edith Piaf and she didn't impress me in Inception - maybe I was jelaous since I love Leonardo DiCaprio - heh). 

This film tells the story of Sandra who is let go by the company she works for but with the option of a vote among her colleagues. They will receive a good bonus if she is gone. They will be without bonus if she stays on. 
Sandra who has suffered from depression and takes Xanax like candy is a mother of two with a loving husband but they have financial difficulties and she needs work. Encouraged by a sympathetic co worker she decides to try to convince people to vote forego their bonuses. 

This is one of those films very powerful in its simplicity. I loved how Sandra despairs but in the end doesn't lose courage (despite attempting suicide) and keeps on trying. We see glimpses of the lives of her co workers and their own troubles throughout and I didn't want the film to end. 

The lead Marion Cottilard gave a great performance. First off it was totally in synch with the tone of the film. Simple, unadorned, no melodrama. But she took my heart into her hands and played it like a violin. I was rooting for her despite her flaws and keep wanting her to be happy. She is a great actor and this performance is one of the best in cinema. It is maybe not as easy to portray and ordinary character this well. Kudos. 

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