Thursday, May 28, 2015

Down With Love

Down With Love is an interesting experiment on modernising some 60's classic Doris Day/Rock Hudson films. It should have worked maybe at least on a stylistic level but somehow it doesn't. They got everything right but it just doesn't work for some reason.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies is the second novel I chose to read in my Kindle bunch. This one had a lot of hype among chick lit circles and I liked it. The story is about three women who became close friends when their children started at the same kindergarten and their lives and secrets.


Each have different problems with one being the most serious. Not only her husband beats her but also one of her twin sons turns out to imitate his dad at school bullying other kids.

One of them had a disastrous one night stand with an asshole who was mean to her and she actually got pregnant and her child is the one accused of bullying (we do not know whether this is true or not)

Our third protagonist is the one most likable, she has a healthy marriage, two kids and one older girl from an earlier marriage. Her problem is that her teenage girl seems to be spending more time in her ex husband's house with his new wife than with her. The girl seemed to forget that her dad actually abandoned her when she was a baby.

There are other characters, other mothers, their husbands, hunky café owners that can cook etc.

All in all it was entertaining.


Austenland seemed interesting on the flight. Despite not hating Keri Russel and absolutely LOVING Jane Austen I feel distant to Austen spin offs. I liked Becoming Jane but that's about Austen's life not a sequel to one of her novels, or not a mystery version of one of her novels, or not a sci fi time travel film series so on and so forth. Well since I was on the flight I decided to check this one out and I'm happy that I did.

This one is about an Austen obsessed woman who is in love with Mr. Darcy (who in her right mind isn't?) and doesn't get along really with men in real life due to their lack of not being even remotely like Mr. Darcy and not really understanding/supporting her obsession. So she uses her life time savings on a theme park/fantasy holiday in Austenland where the customers are given roles and costumes and literally live in an environment very similar to the ones in Austen novels. Our heroine Jane has two fellow guests one a rich American who obviously wanted to try something new rather than being a true fan and another one whose guest status was only familiar to me towards the end of the film. The manager of the whole operation hired actors to play certain characters similar to the ones in Austen novels but Jane gets close with an extra whose job is to be the driver, stable worker etc . Despite the fact that she is attracted to Darcy actor she falls for the stable boy and hooks up with him. Imagine her surprise when she finds out that this holiday affair was not only included in her holiday package but that all her moves and reactions were predicted.

It is of course a happy ending and all in all I liked the film and its look at Austen obsession but not enough to want to read the novel it is adapted from. 

A Cry In The Night

A Cry In The Night turned out to be the first novel I have read on my Kindle. I purchased a few novels right at the time when I got it and gave this one the first go since I like Mary Higgins Clark novels and her formula. It is just the type of novel to read at the airport or at the bus (going to home after a long flight). My favorite MHC novel is Loves Music, Loves to Dance since it is the first novel I read of hers and then I think I have read 99% of her bibliography. I was happy at the end of the novel (as usual). It is like going to a place where you will not get lost (for better or worse). 

Rust and Bone

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Rust and Bone is a film I had heard of but never thought to seek out. And there it was on Dvdigi so I gave it a try and I liked it. Marion Cotillard is great as usual (and looks so good) and Mathias Shoenaerts (who incidentally is also in The Drop) was good too. It is a story of people with real problems. And one of those which looks surreal on paper but is surprisingly believable on screen.

Alain is our male lead who takes his son (he is maybe 6-7 years) out of a small country in Europe to South France since his ex (and son's mother) uses him in drug trafficking. He meets his sister who lets them live in her house plus she helps him to find a job as a bouncer first then later as a security guard. He meets Stephanie who is a killer whale trainer at the Sea World in town, at the bar when she is mixed at a fight. He even takes her home where she lives with her boyfriend. He gives her his number casually and doesn't really expect her to call. And she does call after she lost half of her both legs at a killer whale accident. They first start to hang out and later become sex buddies (here sadly I think the sex scene was cut). Meanwhile Alain, a kickboxer fights at underground fights for money (although they are called underground fights, they are fought in open gardens of prive houses I guess).  Stephanie gets prosthetics and when Alain acts like an asshole she calls him out for this behaviour (she doesn't shy away or anything, she knows that they became more than sex buddies along the way and she doesn't care if she loses him or not because she will not take any shit whether in complete or half legs - kudos Stephanie!). The story continues and this film turned out to be good and just because the actors are good. A well told story. 

The Drop

The Drop is one I chose not because of the cast (although I like almost everyone in it) but because it is written by Denise Lehane. It turned out to be just the type of film I liked. Tom Hardy is excellent (making the accent too) and paired well with Noomi Rapace. All in all good one.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road was so hyped by everyone that I actually went out of the house to a theatre 1 hour away since the one close to where I leave was dubbed. It turned out to be the right decision though since I loved the film. It is non stop action with a great female character acted by one of my favorites Charlise Theron (yet another actor I was distant to but loved post Monster). She is so good in this and there is Tom Hardy and I love Tom Hardy, a good actor who knows when to amp it up and when to tune it down. Post apocalypse is not really one of my fave plot devices but this one almost sold me to it. The cars, the stunts, the explosions everything was top notch. 

The Ice House

The Ice House was picked at an on line secondhand book store. I never read any other novels written by Ms. Walters and I'm all for giving something a try. Well this first of all was a feminist mystery with some twists here and there. Altogether I enjoyed it (I can't help liking the whole Englishness of it) but not enough to seek out other novels from this writer. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Song One

Song One I was sucked into this due to Anne Hathaway (I don't care, I love her) and the plot being about music (I was probably expecting something like Music and Lyrics). But it is just one of those Indie films and the story was not interesting. The romance luke warm and the songs not very good (although Anne Hathaway's voice is good). Not recommended.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is yet another best selling YA novel adaptation. This time I actually read the novel and didn't like it at all (well at least I have got Harry Potter and The Hunger Games out of trying anything once approach). I wanted to see how they adapted and it was not very good. First off the female lead's mouth is open the entire time and it annoyed me to no end. Other than that there was not anything inspired or exciting even with all the computer graphics on hand to bring the book to life. Not recommended. 

The Maze Runner

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The Maze Runner is one of the films that makes time pass on a flight. I understand it is adaptation of a well liked YA novel and it was nice time pass but not much else. Nothing really stood out and the cast were all too young for me. 

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children is a novel I kept hearing about and when I saw it at K-Mart I picked it up on a whim. I liked the book just fine and I love the prose & photos complimenting each other but the story was too surreal for me. Time travel is not a plot device I like very much. But it was an alright read, nothing really exciting or captivating though. 

The Girl On The Train

The Girl On The Train was on my radar so imagine my joy when my colleague purchased it for his audible app. It is a good thriller with a feminist point of view. I loved it (although it is not really accurate to liken it to Gone Girl, how come everyone is doing that nowadays). The readers were very good and I didn't see what was coming. But even if I did it wouldn't take anything away from the novel.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Saints of the Shadow Bible

Saints Of The Shadow Bible is the only hardcover I chose from Goodwill at Segundo but I simply couldn't leave it there. I love Rebus and this one was, once again top notch (even old Rebus is a lot better than anyone else). 

21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street didn't interest me when it came out but for some reason I wanted to watch it since recently the film eluded me. But I saw it in the bargain bin on Saturday at the mall and grabbed it and watched it Sunday. Well, while I appreciate Jonah Hill I don't really like him and while I think Chaning Tatum is great looking (and a surprisingly good actor) I wouldn't want to sleep with him. No crush there. But I have watched 21 Jump Street the TV show as a teen  (even then I liked Richard Greico better than Johnny Depp) and heard only good things about this one and its sequel. So it was funny I suppose but I never laughed out loud. I appreciated it more than I liked it. 


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Overboard is one of my all time faves and never gets old for me. I even love the Korean drama remake of the story. Goldie and Kurt are great and the whole thing is adorable. I love Goldie Hawn and she is so good in this, good in that particular 80's way. 

The Man in the Iron Mask

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The Man In The Iron Mask I was sleepless with happiness one night in Maui (the view from my room so pretty and my holiday going splendidly) that I welcomed this second viewing in the middle of the night (yeah I even cried again, a sucker for melodrama here). 

Slightly Dangerous

Slightly Dangerous Thank God that I'm reading and watching so much that I'm having trouble recording them all.

This one is the last of the Slightly series and I picked it up over others because I liked the ice cold Duke with the warmest heart ever. It didn't dissapoint :) 


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Moonstruck is one of the film I have on dvd. And despite not liking it very much the first time I saw it. I love Cher, the actress so I had it. This second viewing was more informative but still it is just not my type of film (Wow Nic Cage used to be a good actor with his trade mark mega acting actually helping the performance rather than hindering it) 

The Crow

The Crow I have had the whole weekend to lie down and watch whatever I want and The Crow is one of the ones I chose. I had seen it years and years ago and I still liked it this time despite the 80's rock ballad video tendencies. 

Slightly Wicked

Slightly Wicked is one of the three novels I have picked up from Goodwill right after I read and loved Slightly Married. I'm patting myself on the back because I have only purchased three (3!) books there despite the fact they had almost all the 'Slightly' series and many good hardcovers for only two dollars each. Well with age comes wisdom I suppose.

Anyway Wicked was very entertaining but it was a mistake to read it so soon after Married. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

O Adam Buraya Gelecek

O Adam Buraya Gelecek Pucca'yı seviyorum ben. Başına gelen kötü şeylerden acılar ve yararlarla çıkmış, bağımsız, kendi ayakları üzerinde duran, yeteneklerini doğru değerlendiren ve başarısını hakeden bir hanım kızımız. Fakat bu beşinci kitap bana biraz tekrar geldi. Yine hızla okudum filan ama aynı keyfi alamadım.

Growns Ups 2

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Grown Ups 2 Well I have watched the first one at Hillside Fethiye at an open air theatre under the stars. I didn't like it that much because it just didn't fit the occasion. But I have to admit I have a weakness for these generic Adam Sandler films. They are all in a set formula and not really very good but for some reason I love them (I even watched Blended twice). It is not a surprise that I liked this one as well. But I guess it is just me.


Looper well I like action films, I love Bruce Willis, I love JGL and despite not loving her, don't really mind Emily Blunt. So why have I waited so long to watch this one? Probably because it was never in the bargain bin.

I liked it a lot. The story made sense to me and JGL was so cute even when Brucified. 

My Name Is Joe

My Name is Joe is I think the second Ken Loach film I have seen and I didn't like it. The ending came too rushed and the story didn't connect. This just was not my kind of film (the acting was very good by all parties though)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb

Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb was the only film during the flight from LA to Lihue so I watched it. It was entertaining and that's about it. Although I like Ben Stiller so I probably enjoyed it more than I otherwise would. 

Once Upon A Time in America

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Once Upon A Time in America is a film I have watched in my teens and felt in love with. The story, the soundtrack and the performances were all captivating and I like Sergio Leone's directing. This time it was not that emotionally engaging to me and I watched it rather as a viewer who'd like to see what the big deal is. This one is long and since I watched it on TV, cut (booo).

This is what we can comfortably call an epic film. The story of young gangster wannabes in New York and their friendship and effects of their business on this friendship. Not to mention romance of some sort scattered throughout.

Sadly I didn't like it as much this time. I appreciated it better however. 


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Stay is a film I have recorded ages ago because of its leading man. I love Ewan McGregor, not only he is very good looking but he can act and I try to watch as many of his films as I can. Unfortunately his filmography and my cinematic tastes do not match as much as I like to and this one here is one that I didn't like. Oh I loved the cinematography, mise en scene and the whole artsy shots but in the end it was a borefest as far as the story telling went. The close up shots of Ewan's face, his eyes looking tenderly at Naomi Watts were the highlights. 

Clouds of Sils Maria

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Clouds of Sils Maria was on TV as a part of their Cannes Week. The only other Assayas film I have watched was Clean and that was only because Maggie Cheung starred in it while I was in my HK film phase.

This one I chose because the plot seemed interesting and I like Juliette Binoche and Kirsten Stewart. The film tells the story of an over 40 actress who decides to accept the role she played opposite when she was in her early twenties. This decision comes after the writer of the play (and friend to the actress passed away) Her assistant is a smart girl who likes films and theater and we get to see glimpses of their lives (photo shoots, discussions with directors etc., getting ready for a role). The actress, Maria, suffers a bit with the role (due to more than one reason) and she is in the middle of a messy divorce. I liked the three parter story telling and the characters and the underlying sexual tensions between Maria and her assistant. Chole Grace Moretz plays the younger actress who will play the role Maria played years ago. I can't seem to like this woman no matter what. She is not a bad actress but there is something about her.... Anyway I never liked Scarlett Johansson either and now I love her so I hope that I'll change my mind in the future.

This one is not a short film but I didn't want it to end. Great performance by Juliette Binoche (but then again she is always gives great performances). 


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Limitless is not in any way special but to its credit it didn't put me to sleep (this happens more than I care for). The story is about a man who has been given a super drug that considerably enhances the use of brain. It ends predictably. 

Slightly Married

Slightly Married is a purchase from a second hand book store on line. The photo unfortunately is from another site since I have forgotten to take a pic of my book and I left it iat a hotel room in LA (one of the worst hotels I have stayed in Travelodge LAX El Segundo - just don't go there).

Anyway back to the novel. I loved it so much so that I have immediately purchased two more from the same series (thank God there was a Goodwill store walking distance to the horrible hotel). It is a bit AU where famous rich men marry improper and not so rich women (who are not shy maidens for a change).

Highly recommended if you are into romance. The intimate scenes are not that good but the rest of the novel more than makes up for it. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes having liked The Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I was curiously not interested in this sequel. But sitting on a long flight, I try to pick films I'd not pay to watch.

This one turned out to be very good. I was impressed with all the computer art (and Andy Serkis, the go to CGI actor in the industry) and the subject. I don't think I'd watch it again (as I did The Rise of the Planet of the Apes) but I liked it. 

Two Days One Night

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Two Days One Night is the second Dardennes bothers film I have watched and I loved it. And as an added bonus of high value, I have come to appreciate Marion Cottilard as much as the rest of the world (I didn't care for La Mome - although I love Edith Piaf and she didn't impress me in Inception - maybe I was jelaous since I love Leonardo DiCaprio - heh). 

This film tells the story of Sandra who is let go by the company she works for but with the option of a vote among her colleagues. They will receive a good bonus if she is gone. They will be without bonus if she stays on. 
Sandra who has suffered from depression and takes Xanax like candy is a mother of two with a loving husband but they have financial difficulties and she needs work. Encouraged by a sympathetic co worker she decides to try to convince people to vote forego their bonuses. 

This is one of those films very powerful in its simplicity. I loved how Sandra despairs but in the end doesn't lose courage (despite attempting suicide) and keeps on trying. We see glimpses of the lives of her co workers and their own troubles throughout and I didn't want the film to end. 

The lead Marion Cottilard gave a great performance. First off it was totally in synch with the tone of the film. Simple, unadorned, no melodrama. But she took my heart into her hands and played it like a violin. I was rooting for her despite her flaws and keep wanting her to be happy. She is a great actor and this performance is one of the best in cinema. It is maybe not as easy to portray and ordinary character this well. Kudos. 


Well I have been away for some time since I was on vacation in Hawaii. This time I visited Kauai (LOVED) and Maui (not so much - hey just my second trip and I'm already a Hawaii island snob).

I have watched films on the plane (13.5 hours + 5.5 hours one way) and read a lot (since reading on the beach with coconut water nearby is one of my all time favorite things in life). And this time I even took notes of everything I have watched and photos of everything I have read.

This is not a travel blog but I urge everyone to visit Hawaii at least once if they can. It is paradise on earth. And one place I'd have lived if I had enough money (meaning if I was rich)