Friday, February 6, 2015

The Kid With A Bike

The Kid With a Bike is something I chose on a whim. I have only heard good things about films of  Fréres Dardenne and I wanted to give one a try. This was on the discounted dvds and it looked nice but for some reason I kept pushing it aside on the to be watched shelf in favor for romantic, horror or action films. I only gave it a try yesterday because I was tired from my urban hike (unfortunately it is the only option for me) and wanted something short.

And a good thing I did since this film turned out to be a gem. Great story telling, acting (I have watched the female lead before in other films though I don't remember which ones and I know she is good but the kid probably is either an anomaly (such as Dakota Fanning) or the directors are just this good. Anyway the story is of Cyrill, whose father has put him at a children's home and told him he'll take him a month later. But he doesn't and he can't reach him. He also wants his bike which he left to his father's care in their flat. He tries to find his father and also get his bike back.

Cyrill is a good kid. Smart, brave and resourceful but shit happens and he finds out that his father has left with no forwarding address and his bike is also gone. Tyring to escape from his caretakers he latches on to a random woman but they pry him away. Later this kind lady locates his bike and brings it to him to the orphanage. He doesn't believe that his father has sold it when she told him she had to buy it back. But he asks the woman to take him out on the weekends and she agrees. So his quest to locate his father begins but to a bitter end because he doesn't want him and has already started a new life in another town.

The story is told in a matter of fact way that brought tears to my eyes. I felt for Cyrill and liked the lady who sees him for what he is and tries to prevent him from going bad. And in the end just when I thought SPOILER everything would be awful, we get to see a happy ending, as much as it can be happy for the little guy.

All in all this was yet another good one in the viewing project and I'll try to watch more films from these directors.

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