Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (film)

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I saw it once in theater after I have read the book but it didn't leave much trace. And now that I was compelled by some undefined urge to listen to the novels in audiobook format. I have decided to purchase the films to re-watch after reading the novels. Well first off, for some reason the films have stopped being available either on line or at the shops. This was puzzling but I didn't give up trying and they came back just as mysteriously after some weeks. I'm still listening to the first novel (They have just arrived to Loth Lorien) but after the Balrog scene I caved and decided to watch the film.

I liked it (and shed many tears at unexpected moments) and respect the adaptation but it is nowhere near as good as the book. Also the liberties it took somehow changed Frodo's character. I remember being really into Frodo the first time I read the books and then not so later on in the film. A colleague who loves the novels told me that people who read the book love Frodo best and the people who watch the film love Aragorn best. Now don't get me wrong, Aragorn is an important character and a very good one in the novel too but the film somehow managed to put him in the centre. In the book Frodo, despite being tempted a few times, mostly keep a clear mind and also is very brave, attacking the Chief Nazgul and getting wounded in the process. And he manages to ward off the ill effects of the would bravely until they reach Rivendell. In the film he gets hurt while shying away from the Nazgul and is saved by the nick of time. Also in the book he speak more intelligently and seems less helpless. I feel for Frodo who sacrifices all he has to save everyone. Aragorn is cool too but not as cool as the director makes him in the film. Now that I have watched after the mines of Moria, I'm very eager for the original versions.

P.S: I can't believe I have cried at Boromir's death scene. He is one of my least faves in the novels. 

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