Monday, February 16, 2015

Architecture 101

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Architecture 101 is a South Korean romantic drama. I have first watched it on a flight and this weekend watched it again and I liked it even better this second viewing. It tells the story of a love that stayed mutually one sided due to destiny working against them I guess. They met at the university both taking Architecture 101 he because he is going to be an achitect and she because she needs to fill her credit (she is a music student). They both live in the same area and he falls immediately for her but she takes her time and loves him as she gets to know him better. They both cannot admit their feelings out loud. He is too shy and insecure and she is a complicated person. And when she is ready to spill the beans it is too late.

This story is intermingled with their next meeting as adults. She recently divorced and he is engaged to be married. She wanted to renovate her house in Jeju island to take her father from the hospital back there to convalesence. And she wants him to do it.

I shed tears and tears and tears. In fact I started crying right at the beginning now that I know what will happen in the end. It is not a happy ending but a bitter sweet one and I loved this couple and wanted them to end up together but it didn't happen. But still I love this film to bits.  Highly recommended regardless of genre preferences.

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