Monday, September 2, 2013

King of Drama - End, Wives and Daughters + rewatch weekend and The Watch

King of Drama ended as well as it has started. This one was a good purchase and I suspect one would be subject to multiple viewings.

And I have started BBC's Wives and Daughters that has been gathering dust at the to watch pile. Well even though I do love a good costume drama, I just didn't like the novel that much. But the adaptation is suprisingly well and engaging. Two episosed sailed by.

This weekend was kind of a rewatch fest.

The Orphan I liked it even better this time. The idea is well executed (as opposed to the that horrible HK film The Murderer).

Young Adult  The main reason I love this film is not because it is a very good one (it is) or not because it has the clean cinematography I like (it has) but because Charlise Theron is so good in it. This rewatch was even better than the first viewing.

And I have watched this French film about a real life judicial scandal. Emberrassingly enough, I have forgotten the name of it. But it dampened my mood in its unrelenting realism. The film's problem was about the error in the justice system and I wanted to know more about the characters etc. It was nightmarish though.

And then there was

The Watch forgettable film. I watched it till the end though.

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