Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back to the saddle.

It has been almost a week since I returned from San Francisco (I was even thinking to prepare an on line guide to the city and advice to the people etc. but as usual I gave up on it). Sooo there have been books and films but not enough time to write about them. I'll just put a list with short notes next to them.

The Grandmaster saw it in theater in SF and loved it even though it is the butchered US version. WKW I love you

The World's End this one was not really to my taste. I kind of liked some of the jokes but all in all not really impressed.

The Family Hillarious, loved it.

Snow White and The Huntsman K-Stew's performance was so bad. The idea was good but execution was poor.

Star Trek Into The Darkness liked the first one a lot better.

The Internship not much to say about it. Feel good film.

My Little Hero Korean melodrama that made me weep buckets of tears.

Strawberry Night yet another good story, bad execution. The female lead was wrong for the part.

The Mechanic very impressive film that got me thinking. And kudos to Christian Bale. Now that is dedication.

Closer to Heaven and another dedicated actor, Kim Myung Min. And another Korean melo (although to be fair this one was a bit more realistic too) that made me weep tears.

Break Up Have no idea why I watched this film since I like neither Jennifer Anniston nor Vince Vaught. It would have been a dud without them but still I'd have gotten something out of it. Important lesson that I never get to learn, you need to love the leads in order to enjoy a rom-com (or a rom-bore with a sad ending like this one)

The Four Feathers well this one would have been a good film but there was a lot going on and they were not crammed correctly. Heath Ledger (RIP) is always good though.

In Another Country Once again I enjoy a Hong Sang Soo film a lot. This time it stars Isabelle Hupert, an actor I respect. But she was too old for this role man.

Basic Instinct I liked this film best in this watch. It sure stands up to repeated viewings.

Now to the books

Well here is the funny thing, I have read and liked this detective/whodunnit novel with Edinbourough as the back ground but I forgot not only the name of the novel (I think it is called Wrong Turn) but also the name of the writer (First name Lisa ?). Seached the net in vain :( Anyway it was a good book.

The Headhunter now I'm not sure whether I'm as in love with Mr.Nesbo as the rest of the mystery loving readers all around the world are. But this book was good and I enjoyed it.

Carrie's Story this turned out to be a good S/M erotica.

Knots and Crosses I can't believe that I have read so many Rebus books and now it is never clear whether I'm re reading them or reading them the first time. This one is the first Rebus book and even though it is not as good as the others, it still carries that particular charm and suspense. Ian Rankin, you rock.

One of the few good things about SF was that there were lots of used book stores, good ones too. I shouldn't visit the second hand book fair this year since I bought lots and lots in SF, thank God. So I'll try not to be greedy.

Currently reading

The Little Drummer Girl I'm not really interested in the stories Mr.Le Carré tells but I was curious about Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because of the film and after finishing the book - and loving the prose but not really getting into spy stuff- I have read a short synopsis of this one in the back and I was hooked. Now not as hooked as willing to pay full price for it so imagine my delight when I got it at a bargain second hand book store. And it is fascinating reading especially since Middle East situation is still on going (and we are not even there yet, they just recruited Charlie). This book is intense and I'm enjoying it.

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