Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Windmills of the Gods, Sopranos Season 1

I have started and oldie but a goodie: Sidney Sheldon's The Windmills of the Gods and it is just as good as I remembered it.

I'm a bit lazy on putting the films I have watched here and probably because I watch the ones my sister has so I have no way of taking a pic of them but I have watched

Titanic It has been years since I last saw this one but I liked it even better now. Great film and why don't they make films like this anymore? (It is official, I'm middle aged) And I do have the dvd of this but the photo I took was so awful that I decided not to put it in here.

Werewolf Boy  very good melo and a fantasy type story told in a realistic way. I have shed tears but they were all good tears.

Miracle in Cell no 7 This one on the other hand ended up being a crying fest. I probably shed a jug of tears during the viewing. There is this adorable little girl who also acts well and has wonderful mimics. And the film is one those that try to squeeze out as many tears as it can out of you and is not even shy about it. I was crying yes but at the same time also resenting it a bit due to its shameless manipulation.

911 (aka Bandage) Now this is not really a good film but the lead pair worked very well. And that is just about all you need at a romantic movie no?

Now Sopranos, wow, this show is really good and it was probably a mistake to watch four episodes last night but no regrets. I think I even saw them in my dream (no wonder).

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