Friday, July 5, 2013

Quake - End, Kıskanmak, Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever, Berlin File

Quake ended up being one of the best Laymon books ever. Great read.
Now I have started Kıskanmak by Nahid Sırrı Örik

And so far so good. Apparently this guy Mr.Nahid Sırrı Örik was gay and out of the closet and at the time it was so frowned upon by everyone (1930s and early 40s)  that he was kind of put aside by the literary community at the time. Now that he is "in" because one of the his novels is adopted to a film by a well known Turkish director (Zeki Demirkubuz) and this is how I get to know this. So far I have only read a few chapters but I'm loving it. The protagonist is a spinster who is very jealous of his brother and his brother's wife (she is living with them in a small Black Sea town). She is not a good person but she is smart and reading her thoughts are very entertaining and sometimes a bit sad because she thinks everyone is trying to make her miserable on purpose. Jelaousy is one of the emotions God has spared me from (the other is revenge) so I find it especially interesting to read about it (and now I remember the protagonist of Kardeşimin Hikayesi, the old guy who cannot feel anything and tries to understand the emotions by reading related fiction!!!!! Brrr). Anyway this is a good purchase and I'll seek more of his novels.

As for the films I have been very luck thank God.
First Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever (lit.translation Love Loves Coincidences) by Ömer Faruk Sorak

I have rejected this as it seemed so precious at the time of release. And I don't like either lead. But now I'm a total convert. The two main characters felt like my friends and I have shed so many tears that I was dehydrated the day after. Great melodrama, great romance and kudos to the actors because it is probably the only time I felt sympathy for these two.

Next The Berlin File by Ryu Seung Wan (supplied by my sister)

Great action, great script (aaahhh S.Korea I love it that you have managed to insert melo in this Le Carré style spy thriller) and highly recommended if you like the genre.

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