Saturday, May 29, 2021

Dark Lover


Dark Lover  this was unexpected. As I read, I realised that it is unintentionally hillarious and I had a good time. It is not well written but the storytelling is good and that entertainment factor kept me going. Not much erotica in it, mainly instalove and smells of the characters making each other horny. 

I got this at a secondhand store with two others from the same series. So I'm hoping to get the same entertainment from those as well. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Eastern Promises


Photo from imdb

Eastern Promises is even better the third time and uncut. Viggo Mortensen is an amazing actor and the rest of the cast are not bad either. I love Mr. Cronenberg's cinematography and enjoyed this one yet again. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane


The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane It is nice and emotional but may not be for everyone. I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Kapak Kızı


Kapak Kızı Gayet güzel, derli toplu, karakterler üzerine düşündüren ve keyifle okuduğum bir roman oldu. Yazarın diğer eserlerini okumaya heveslendirdi. 



Photo from imdb 

Vincenzo   ok, I have thoughts in bullet points.

- This one reminded me of a lesser Fiery Priest. However where Fiery Priest excelled, Vincenzo kind of fell short.

- The show relies too much on its lead actor, lucky for them, he is excellent.

- The female lead, despite giving a good performance, is hindered by (I think the director instructed her on this) acting like Jeon Ji Hyun, and predictably not coming off good. Her presence lessened as the show progressed. In Fiery Priest Lee Ha Ni was very prevalent and did a great job.

- The side characters were just not as interesting. The only emotional part was Vincenzo and his mother for me. It worked but the others not so much.

- The main villain miscast. This actor tries hard and I appreciate the effort but he is just not good enough. Imagine Yoo Ah In in a very similar role in Veteran and you get what I mean. 

- I liked the villain side kicks, especially the zumba lady.

- The brother of the villain became a fave character, I love a baddie redemption and the actor was so good. 

- All in all I had a good time but definitely had a much better time with Fiery Priest (that show was a blast, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard that my stomach ached). 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Army of The Dead

 Photo from imdb 

Army of The Dead  is boring except a couple of good fight scenes. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Retreat


The Retreat This one is decent enough and I really liked the reader's performance. Maybe I would not have enjoyed it as much if I was reading it on written format. 

Edge of Midnight


Edge of Midnight surprised me. I really enjoyed the action/thriller parts of it. The intimate scenes were all vanilla but well written. 

 Photo from imdb 

Friendsgiving is one of those film where everything is a miss. I could see the intention but sadly nothing really worked. 

Firefly Lane

 Photo from imdb 

Firely Lane is a very good adaptation and I really enjoyed it (yep, tears flowed) and looking forward to the next season. I have read the book and enjoyed it too. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021



  It is a good story and well told. However it is important to note that the magic system is not well defined and it is gory. I really liked it more than I thought I would during the first fifty pages. 

Parks and Recreation

 Photo from imdb 

Parks and Recreation   I did not like the first season but it got a lot better and I even enjoyed the awkward final season. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Killer By Nature

 Killer By Nature is like the radio plays of old so it has an added nostalgic value but I for some reason I could not get into it as much as I'd like. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021



Photo from imdb 

After    I thought I read the novel but apparently I only watched some detailed youtube video. I actually liked the film, it is a neat little youth romance film with likable actors with good chemistry. 



Photo from imdb 

Fatma  gayet güzel bir iş olmuş, özellikle Burcu Biricik başrolde çok iyiydi.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Care A Lot


Photo from imdb  

I Care A Lot    I liked this film a lot more than I thought I would. The actors were all very good and SPOILER      

just as I was thinking how demoralising it is that evil people get away with everything, the film did me a solid. 

Crash (1996)

 Photo from imdb 

Crash    My thoughts in bullet points:

-  Holly Hunter is the actress with the least amount of screen time and her name is at the top? Why she could do with an AND like Rosanna Arquette

- Kudos to David Cronenberg making a good film out of this

- I liked the visuals, all the performances but the story is just not that interesting

Friday, May 14, 2021



Photo from imdb 

Oxygéne is tense and engaging fuelled by the excellent performance by Melanie Laurent. Alexandre Aja is a very good director and I also really appreciated how natural Ms. Laurent looked. 

Girls & Boys


Girls & Boys  I did not expect to like it that much. Carey Mulligan is excellent and the story captivated me to the end.

Thursday, May 13, 2021



Photo from imdb 

Jade  This film needed more sleaze. Also Linda Fiorentino is a good actress and she is pretty but she just was not a femme fatale, not to mention David Caruso also wrong for the part for some reason. 

Hello, Me!


Photo from imdb  

Hello, Me! turned out to be just the right show to watch towards the end of Ramadan. It was funny and emotional and I liked it a lot. 

Thornwood House

 Thornwood House It is a nice, leisurely paced novel. The reader's performance was top notch though and probably made me enjoy it a lot better than I would have otherwise.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Om Shanti Om

 Photo from imdb 

Om Shanti Om  this is weird but I liked it better at the second viewing warts (many warts) and all. Not only I LOVE Deepika Padukone now but for some reason I cried a lot during the sad parts (that reason probably is my upcoming period). 



Photo from imdb 

Switchback  I don't remember even hearing about this film when it came out and I'm not particularly interested in its actors. I only watched it because the time frame fit with my schedule and I really liked it. An unexpected and welcome pleasure. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Sparrow Falls


A Sparrow Falls is a roller coaster of a retro action novel. I recommend if this sounds interesting. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021



Photo from imdb 

Ma  was not very good, it was not very bad either. Decent enough to pass the time during fasting. 

Friday, May 7, 2021



Thrill! is an all around Jackie Collins novel, she has better ones but this one is not bad on the usual formula. I like these retro novels.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Blood of Elves

 Blood of Elves is great and I'm enjoying these novels which seem to get better as I read them. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

And Then We Danced

 Photo from imdb 

And Then We Danced  is alright. I liked it and shed some tears but was not deeply moved etc. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Magicians S1 and S2


Photo from imdb 

The Magicians   well this is something rare. I did not like the book but I enjoyed the first two seasons of the TV show. And I hope that the rest of the reasons come to one of the legal viewing platforms I subscribe. The novel felt meandering and the characters all miserable and not in a good way. The show however makes the characters interesting and their misery engaging. This thing happened to me with The City of Bones and I think it is good that once in a while you can watch an interesting story told better.  

Palm Springs


Photo from imdb  

Palm Springs   I liked it better than I thought I would. The sci fi thing does not really dampen the romantic parts. 

The Short Drop


The Short Drop
is good. I think I would have preferred to read it, rather than listen to it. And the performance of the reader was excellent, however the novel seemed to me better enjoyed in written form. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Fena Halde Leman

Fena Halde Leman  beklemediğim şekilde LGBTQ+ bir roman çıktı (aslında kapağından uyanmalıydım ama aklıma gelmedi) bir takım bahtsız ırkçı yorumlar dışında idare eder bir roman. Yazarı halihazırda seviyorsanız denemenizi öneririm.