Tuesday, May 25, 2021



Photo from imdb 

Vincenzo   ok, I have thoughts in bullet points.

- This one reminded me of a lesser Fiery Priest. However where Fiery Priest excelled, Vincenzo kind of fell short.

- The show relies too much on its lead actor, lucky for them, he is excellent.

- The female lead, despite giving a good performance, is hindered by (I think the director instructed her on this) acting like Jeon Ji Hyun, and predictably not coming off good. Her presence lessened as the show progressed. In Fiery Priest Lee Ha Ni was very prevalent and did a great job.

- The side characters were just not as interesting. The only emotional part was Vincenzo and his mother for me. It worked but the others not so much.

- The main villain miscast. This actor tries hard and I appreciate the effort but he is just not good enough. Imagine Yoo Ah In in a very similar role in Veteran and you get what I mean. 

- I liked the villain side kicks, especially the zumba lady.

- The brother of the villain became a fave character, I love a baddie redemption and the actor was so good. 

- All in all I had a good time but definitely had a much better time with Fiery Priest (that show was a blast, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard that my stomach ached). 

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