Sunday, February 28, 2021

In Her Skin


In Her Skin is decent but it did not work for me. 

The Strangers


Photo from imdb 

The Strangers  turned out to be a decent film with a lot of faults. Some tension but not really scary. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Bosch - 6 Seasons

 Photo from 

Bosch   ok I was not interested these series because I got over Bosch some time ago (and the novels are all really good) and do not care for any of the leads in the show. I started them just to see what all the fuss was about and loved it. All six seasons are great and the actors are all fantastic. This was an unexpected pleasant surprise. 



turned out to be a good end. Great series and I recommend all. The final novel has relentless pace and totally satisfying.

This one has a very minor plot hole and change of pattern in conversation (a nod to another fantasy author??).

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Photo from imdb 

The Rocky Horror Picture Show I love this. No matter how many times I watch it.

Monday, February 22, 2021

A Keeper

 A Keeper  This is a good book, and Mr. Norton is a wonderful writer. The story was not to my taste though and some authors should not read their own books.  

Marriage Contract


Photo from imdb 

Marriage Contract   I don't really care for any of the leads in this drama so never thought to check it out but then saw a recommendation on a youtube list and I do love  'forced together by the circumstances' trope so gave it a go.  Well despite its many flaws this one put in dehydration more and tears were like waterfalls. Loved it. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021



Photo from imdb 

Greta   well, no, just no. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Gentlemen


Photo from imdb 

The Gentlemen  well I liked this one more than I should. It was predictable and meh but at the same time I thought it hilarious and I like Charlie Hunnam, a lot. In fact everyone in the cast did a great job. 

The Farewell


Photo from imdb 

The Farewell   eh, I liked the sentimental parts (and of course shed tears, many tears) but it did not feel organic somehow. There was something off. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

You Don't Mess With The Zohan


Photo from imdb 

You Don't Mess With The Zohan  is fun, if you like Adam Sandler that is, and I do. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 Ruin   yes I kind of inhaled the third book. And it ended up being my favorite so far. Roller coaster of events, action, emotion and yes tears were shed at certain points. It is one of those novels that you choose to drop everything else and just read. 

The Cold Cold Ground

 The Cold Cold Ground
   this one was not for me. I liked listening to the Irish accent though and it is not bad (in fact there was one moment in it that I respected a lot and did not see coming) just not for me. 

Virgin River Season I And II


Photo from imdb 

Virgin River Season One and Two ended up being just as advertised. I liked the female lead and her matter of fact attitude to the daily occurrences. There is some silliness of course but overall it is good if you are after an uncomplicated, homey watch. 



Valour is the second novel in The Faithful and The Fallen series and I really liked it, it was even better than the first. I eagerly started the third one right after.

Think Like A Man

Photo from imdb 

Think Like A Man   I liked this rom com the first time I saw it and I liked it just as well this second time round. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Red Dot


Photo from imdb 

Red Dot  turned out to be a well acted, decent thriller and I may have been surprised by the twists if I had not watched a lot of films. 

Last Holiday

 Photo from imdb 

Last Holiday is a film I watched on TV years ago and remember liking very much. I wanted to watch it again but had no access to a legal viewing. This changed obviously and I get to watch it again and like it yet again. I have a soft spot for Queen Latifah. I like her and her presence makes me like the film she is in. 

The Ying - Yang Master: Dream of Eternity


Photo from 

The Ying-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity was decent. Influenced by The Untamed (although not even coming close) My favorite looking actor was Duo Wang who played both a good guy and the antagonist. He was not as talented as the two main leads (and the female lead gave the best performance) but he has a better screen presence. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Great Passage


The Great Passage turned out to be better than I expected. It is a nice little novel with a rom com feel (from male point of view). I liked it a lot and also my compliments to the translator. 



Photo from 

Bridgerton turned out better than the books, I think I vaguely remember reading one and liking it that much. The series totally worked for me though. The cast, the romance and the rest were all good. Looking forward to the second season. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

The Good Place


Photo from 

The Good Place  well I don't think the final season was as good as the rest but still enjoyed it overall. 



Photo from 

Disobedience could have used better editing but the great performances given by two talented and accomplished actresses who are naturally beautiful elevated the story. 

The Perfect Mother

 The Perfect Mother  well this one is not really that good but highly entertaining and addictive. Perfect to listen to when you are doing chores. 


 Malice  I liked it very much and started the second book right away. I have a weakness for stories told from different character point of views and this one is well written. 

Space Sweepers


Photo from 

Space Sweepers  the only good thing about this film was its great cast and their performances. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

My Father Is Strange


Photo from 

My Father Is Strange was just what I needed. A wholesome family drama, well acted and the 52 episodes flew by with laughter and tears and generally feeling good. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Make Me No Grave


Make Me No Grave It is a decent novel, the ideas, messages and inclusive attitude appealed more to me than the story but I liked it even more because of the reader performance. He was amazing. If you are thinking of getting it, I recommend the audio.