Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Leave No Trace

Photo credit: www.imdb.com

Leave No Trace is a film that only came to my radar when I heard that the director (Ms. Debra Granik) who directed a fave of mine Winter's Bone. And this film is just as good maybe even better. This lady knows how to tell a story on film and she is very good at getting great performances out of her actors. I first watched Jennifer Lawrence in Winter's Bone and so far that is still her best performance in my opinion. Mr. Ben Foster came to my attention when I watched Hell or High Water. This actor has an unassuming on screen presence but he is such a good actor that I'm ashamed of not recognising his talent sooner. He is so good in this film. He doesn't have much dialogue (the film shows not tells) and his peformance is so deep that I actually forgot he is an actor. What a gem. The rest of the cast are all good too and this film left me in silent tears that keep on flowing. Highly recommended. 

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