Monday, February 25, 2019

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Sons of Anarchy is the reason that I have not watched anything else for some time since I have finished all 7 seasons and I finished it yesterday morning. This show ended up being my all time favorite from beginning to end. The only time I was not that invested was during their Irish adventure and even then it was entertaining. This is very loosely based on Hamlet.

It tells the story of the rise of a motorcycle club leader and his slowly finding out the tragic truths about himself and his family. This is one of the cases where an actor fits the role so good that not only it is hard to think anyone else in the role but it is hard to think the actor as anyone else. Charlie Hunnam is Jackson Teller (Jax) despite the fact that his accent can not keep up with his performance sometimes.

The side characters are mostly old people surrounding Jax and causing him problems (rarely helping him out) and young prospects of the club once again rarely helping him out. In fact it is easy to feel sorry for Jax but one must never forget that he is a very violent man with a temper that caused him much grief over the episodes. I liked this character very much and had a good time watching him but I wouldn't want him near me in real life.

His mother is the next tragic figure but she has less of a conscience than her unfortunate son. And she is very violent and not as bright as her son.

We start the story with Jax becoming a father himself in the first episode where his son is born with deficiencies caused both by genetics and heroin used by his junkie mother and Jax's ex wife Wendy.


And this is one of the good episodes. In the course of events Jax's son is kidnapped, he remarries (his wife, despite being smart and hard working enough to be a doctor, also is violent and remorseless) tries to take his family (now he has another son) away from the MC -gang- and live a better life and his wife wants the same thing - I thought of her as Ophelia and expected her to go mad but they had an even worse fate for her- but Jax's mother kills his wife (that scene was chilling and left me shouting at the screen) and furthermore this evil mother lies and frames other people (Chinese gang) for the murder and causes more and more deaths as Jax descends into a rage of vengeance. The last two episodes were amazingly melodramatic with just a small touch of paranormal that were all tailored for me. I have cried rivers during the last two episodes and Jax's troubles in this life finally ended with his suicide. I'm still getting teary eyed as I write this.

This show is now one of my favorites. 

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